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There are whole realms of splendor, it may be, of which we are heedless; and which we are as blind to as ants to the call of the sea. Life is enormously flexible look at all that we've done to our dogs, but we carry our hairy past with us wherever we go. The wise St. Bernards and the selfish toy lap-dogs are brothers, and some things are possible for them and others are not. So with us.

I think there were more lap-dogs than watch-dogs in that early California. And there were pleasant people within those hanging gardens, people who seemed to have drifted there and were living their lyrical if lonely lives in semi-solitude on islands in the air. I always envied them.

Had it been otherwise considering what handles tails would have given to the oppressor, how many traps envy would have laid for them, how often they must have been scratched and mutilated by the briars of life, how many good excuses would have been found for lopping, docking, and trimming them I fear that only the lap-dogs of Fortune would have gone to the grave tail-whole.

Dog-Grass, or Couch-Grass, or Twitch-Grass, necessary to be had, growing in Pots in London, to cure Lap-Dogs, that are sick, in the Summer. From the same. Couch-Grass is one of the Gardener's Plagues, and is in every Garden too much. Take a Clump of this, and set it in a large Garden-Pot, and letting it stand as airy as possible, water it gently every other Morning.

I believe it would be worth some poor Woman's while to sell this Grass, in London, where so many fine Lap-Dogs are kept, and indulged so much, that they cannot be taken abroad to search their Physick; while those of the larger kind take their way abroad, in the Mornings, at their pleasure.

If you may quit your task, and leave your ladies to regretful memories of their lap-dogs, let us go out together for a little, and say what we can for I am sure that my time is approaching."

There was also a wretched Pyrrhus, and an old Phoenix, whose gray wig I expected every moment to fall off. Next to this beautiful tragedy, the thing that interested and amused me most at Brussels were the dogs: not lap-dogs, but the dogs that draw carts and heavy hampers. Every day I beheld numbers of these traineaux, often four, harnessed abreast, and driven like horses.

Not long afterwards Laptev and his brother-in-law were sitting upstairs in the dining-room having supper. Laptev had a glass of vodka, and then began drinking wine. Panaurov drank nothing. He never drank, and never gambled, yet in spite of that he had squandered all his own and his wife's property, and had accumulated debts. To squander so much in such a short time, one must have, not passions, but a special talent. Panaurov liked dainty fare, liked a handsome dinner service, liked music after dinner, speeches, bowing footmen, to whom he would carelessly fling tips of ten, even twenty-five roubles. He always took part in all lotteries and subscriptions, sent bouquets to ladies of his acquaintance on their birthdays, bought cups, stands for glasses, studs, ties, walking-sticks, scents, cigarette-holders, pipes, lap-dogs, parrots, Japanese bric-

The halcyon days were for ever past, when, protected by the swords of Joyeuse and of Epernon, the monarch of France could pass his life playing at cup and ball, or snipping images out of pasteboard, or teaching his parrots-to talk, or his lap-dogs to dance. His royal occupations were gone, and murder now became a necessary preliminary to any future tranquillity or enjoyment.

The halcyon days were for ever past, when, protected by the swords of Joyeuse and of Epernon, the monarch of France could pass his life playing at cup and ball, or snipping images out of pasteboard, or teaching his parrots- to talk, or his lap-dogs to dance. His royal occupations were gone, and murder now became a necessary preliminary to any future tranquillity or enjoyment.