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Updated: August 1, 2024

She slipped back onct or twict at night to see us, but dat was all. She hired out to some folks dat warnt rich' nough to have no' slaves o' dey own. Dey was good to her, too. "When my ma went off a old woman called Aunt Emmaline kep' me. I think it was 'cause de marster laked me an' was always a-pettin' me. She was jealous. "She was always a-tryin' to whip me for somethin' or nother.

"Was Laycock coming from the moor also?" "Nay, he was coming from t' village, and was going across t' moor to a knur match on Eltham Common." "Did Laycock swear to that?" "Ay, he did. He were varry loth to do it; for Ben and him hed laked together when they were lads, and been thick as thack iver since, till Mary Clough came between 'em.

I stayed on wid Miss Margurite he'pin' her jes lak I'd been doin'. One day mammy come afte' me an' I run an' hid under a pile of quilts an' laked to smothered to death waitin' fer her to go on off. "Nex' time she come, she brung a written letter to Miss Margurite frum de Free Man's Board an' taken me wid her. We jes went frum place to place 'til I got mar'ied an' settled down fer myself.

One summer she went 'way. A Mrs. Smith wid 10 boys wanted me ter stay wid her 'til Mrs. Mitchell got back en I staid en laked dem so well dat I wouldin go back ter Mrs. Mitchell's." "I went ter Memphis en ma'ied George Grisham in 1870. He jinned de army, as ban' leader, went ter San Antonio, Texas en I kum back ter Mrs. Smith's en stayed 'til her mammy lost her mind.

Late in the afternoon they got back to the Dickson home. "John," said Dickson, "you enjoyed it?" "Boss," said John fervently. "Ah shore did!" "What did you like the most?" "Mistah Dickson," answered John, "Ah shore laked hit all." "Well, what impressed you most?" "Well, suh, boss," he said, "Ah reckin hit waz dat dere animul you calls de camuel." "The camel, eh?

Mos' of de time we had good food to eat 'cause mos' of us had our gardens, an' de Quarters cook would fix what we wanted if we brung it to her. Durin' de last years 'fo de surrender, we didn' have much to eat tho'; an' made out de best we could. "De mos' fun we had was at our meetin's. We had dem mos' ever' Sunday an' dey lasted way into de night. De preacher I laked de bes' was name Mathew Ewing.

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