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He first heard what his own would-be constituents had to say, and satisfied them as to his perfect independence of the great Whig families, and that he meant to keep his judgment unbiassed by party politics. "Then what about the extension o' the suffrage?" asked Sandy Pringle; "we want five-pound voters at Ladykirk."

"It certainly is not large in your burgh," said Francis. "A minority of twenty-three is the most favourable thing you can expect here I think twenty-four. At Swinton there is a certain minority of fourteen, which the least imprudence on your part would double. Auldbiggin and Plainstanes are ties at present, so your majority at Ladykirk should be large, to cover up our deficit.

And just as suddenly he was once more on the move, taking the by-way up to the north, which, as I knew well, led to Norham, and if he was going far over the Tweed to Ladykirk.

Adam Ferris was reassured as to his daughter, and as for Uncle Julian, busy with his guests, he understood that Patsy was safe with the Garlands at Glenanmays. But instead Stair had convoyed her, with the utmost pains of wood and heather craft, to Ladykirk, where she had been received by Miss Aline with such quiet rejoicings as the staid little gentlewoman permitted herself.

Was it all only friendship for the confidante of his sister? Louis Raincy's own hopes and purposes were of the vaguest. He did not even know whether he himself loved Patsy, but he was quite clear on the chapter of nobody else having her if he could help it. Louis Raincy rode right up to the door of Ladykirk and asked to see Miss Aline, with whom he had always been a great favourite.

"The spark of mad Raincy blood is in the whelp," he confided to his friends; "the same his grandfather has. They can look positively murderous sometimes." Sir Bunny was taken aback to find Julian waiting for him in Miss Aline's white and gold drawing-room at Ladykirk. "Am I, then, to congratulate you?" he said to Julian Wemyss, with false good nature.

Which is, that if ever ye come to Scotland on any errand whatsoever, or have need of a bit nook where ye can forget the warld the like comes whiles to the greatest ye will come straight to me at Ladykirk " "I promise," said the Princess, smiling sadly. "I have great need to profit by your offer now. But at present I am not my own. I must wait.

Still, I do promise you that if I live I shall use my first freedom by coming to visit you at Ladykirk. Patsy here has been telling me about it. She says it is a Paradise!" "It's weel enough," said Miss Aline, "naething very grand about it but the garden, and that is real famous for the plums and the berries. But I daresay ye will hae plenty goosegogs o' your ain.

My father wanted to take her back to Ladykirk it is so safe and peaceful. No soldiers or press-gangs or smugglers ever go there, for Miss Aline is like something sacred so unable to take care of herself that everybody must look after her!" "And particularly Julian?" observed the Princess, with a spark in the blue eyes.

At this moment there was a stir up at the house of Ladykirk, whereupon the spy modestly retired.