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"Les Origines de l'Opera et le Ballet de la Reine," par Ludovic Celler.

"Well, well, forgive me, won't you?" said the Count quickly; and together we strolled into the town, where we had an aperatif at the gay Café de l'Opéra, opposite the public gardens. Here, however, a curious contretemps occurred. She accidently upset her glass of "Dubonnet" over her left hand, saturating her white glove so that she was compelled to take it off.

Down the rue Halévy he went and on into the Place de l'Opéra; but here he slackened his pace, and something of his insouciance dropped from him. The wide space filled with its cosmopolitan crowd, the opera-house itself, so aloof in its dark splendor, spoke to him of another Paris the Paris that might be Vienna, Petersburg, London, for all it has to say of individual life.

In one word, the point I am seeking to bring out here is that a town, as a town, is handsome or otherwise, not in virtue of the works of art or antiquity it contains, but in virtue of its ground-plan, its architecture, its external and visible decorations and places the Louvre, the Boulevards, the Champs Elysées, the Place de l'Opéra. Now London has no ground-plan. It has no street architecture.

An entire column was given to the one victim, the poor, pretty, fair-haired errand girl, whose identity did not seem to be clearly established, although a flock of reporters had rushed first to the modiste employing her, in the Avenue de l'Opera, and next to the upper part of the Faubourg St. Denis, where it was thought her grandmother resided.

Yes, when the Parisian confuses the Champs Elysées with the Avenue de l'Opéra! When the Parisian arrives at this stage even then Fifth Avenue will not be confused with Sixth! One day, in the unusual silence of an election morning, I absolutely determined to see something of the New York that lies beyond Fifth Avenue, and I slipped off westward along Thirty-fourth Street, feeling adventurous.

The performance of Poliziano's "Orfeo," however, took place some forty years earlier than that of "Calandra," and it was without doubt in a closed hall and therefore most probably with artificial light of flambeaux and lamps. [Footnote 21: "Histoire du Théâtre de l'Opéra en France depuis l'Etablissement de l'Académie Royale de Musique jusqu'

He discharged his car at the Arc de Triomphe, and set about deciphering the carven pictures. Then, he walked up the great Avenue, made his way to the Place de la République, wandered through the gardens of the Louvre, and, as dusk fell, found himself in the Avenue de l'Opéra. It was very gay.

As the taube passed over the Pepiniere barracks, and the Place de l'Opera, at an altitude of perhaps twelve hundred meters, some soldiers fired at it with their rifles, but without effect. The German air-lieutenants have so far avoided the Eiffel Tower, where machine guns are placed.

She opened wide both the windows of her room, and from outside there floated in a busy, happy murmur, for Paris is an early city, and nine o'clock there is equivalent to eleven o'clock in London. She heard the picturesque street cries of the flower-sellers in the Avenue de l'Opéra "Beflower yourselves, gentlemen and ladies, beflower yourselves!"