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And it is my humble opinion that he has put his head into a noose this time, for sure. Mr. Allen, of the 'Miles Standish Bicycle Company, whose name he has borrowed for the occasion, is enough like him in appearance to be his twin brother." "He has borrowed another man's name!" she exclaimed; "why, that's stealing!" "No, merely kleptomania," I replied; "he wouldn't be the other man if he could.

Her mother, his wife, he said, an excellent, kind-hearted, conscientious, truthful woman, had occasionally manifested the kleptomania impulse and had been detected. Happily the crime had been committed under circumstances which obviated exposure; it had been charitably overlooked upon his paying the bill for the purloined goods.

At one time or another she has stolen land in every part of the world. But theft is an ugly word. When statesmen steal it's called diplomacy, when the rich steal it's called kleptomania or business, and it's only when the poor steal that stealing is termed theft.

If I laid down my handkerchief, my pencil, or any other object, the wife immediately locked them up to protect them from the kleptomania of her servants. These poor people, whose enterprise was not a very successful one, had to lead a wretched life.

In the one case, as she knew it, a girl under the urge of poverty had stolen. That thief had been promptly arrested, finally she had been tried, had been convicted, had been sentenced to three years in prison. In the other case, a woman of wealth had stolen. There had been no punishment. A euphemism of kleptomania had been offered and accepted as sufficient excuse for her crime.

She glanced swiftly at Donaldson, as though to see if he had read the ellipsis. When she spoke again it was slowly, each word with an effort. "My pocket-book was upstairs. It is possible that he borrowed." Donaldson knew the meaning of that. Kleptomania was a characteristic symptom. Victims of this habit had gone even further in their hot necessity for money.

Now there is cruelty in public schools, just as there is kleptomania and secret drinking and vices without a name. But these things do not flourish in the full daylight and common consciousness of the school, and no more does cruelty.

But it's not kleptomania, it's only bashfulness. I never heard before of his pocketing the saucers." "Well, he really did. It's awful funny. I don't know how we'd get along without John this winter he makes all the fun we have. What's that?" "I don't know, it sounded like rats gnawing the floor." "Did you ever notice his mouth? how large it is." "Yes, it's frightful.

Pregnant women appear seldom to long for the possession of objects outside the edible class, and it seems doubtful whether they have any special tendency to kleptomania. Pinard has pointed out that neither Lasègue nor Lunier, in their studies of kleptomania, have mentioned a single shop robbery committed by a pregnant woman.

Miller, paying no attention whatever to the first portion of the remark; "I have heard quite enough, combined with what we all know, to make me feel that either crime or kleptomania is going on, and the 'Queen of Bedlam' is at the bottom of it." "What is it that 'we all know?"