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And madam, his wife, and he are making a grand tour of the world. Their wedding trip, I believe. Sie kommt von einer der ersten Familien the Dalrymples. Der Herr Direktor of the Russicher-Chinese bank told me. He cashes the drafts Her Gott nicht kleine!" These prosaic details the Frenchman, pictorially occupied, hardly, heard. "Mon Dieu! What a chapeau!" he sighed.

The usual resources of whist and the tea-buffet changed the conversational circle, and at midnight there was a general movement to the Kleine Redouten Saal, where the Armen Ball had attracted so crowded an assemblage, that more than one archduchess had her share of elbowing.

Van Maarden, the Dutch psychiatrist and playwright, author of De Kleine Man, was to come to Laurel to deliver his celebrated lectures on "The Socialisation of Humanity."...

A touch of more than Arctic cold stole upon her, even through this loveliness of a summer night; she felt desperately unhappy and alone. From the saloon came a sound of singing: "An die Lippen wollt' ich pressen Deine kleine weisse Hand, Und mit Thränen sie benetzen Deine kleine weisse Hand." The tears came to her eyes.

Kit, don't have another clam while I am in this house. I have eaten so many lately my waist rises and falls with the tide." "You have a stunning color, Kit," Lollie said. "You are really quite superb. Who made that gown?" "Where have you been hiding, du kleine?"

Kuyper's political opponent in the Calvinist party is Mr. A. F. de Savornin Lohman, the leader of the aristocrats, whereas Kuyper is the head of the 'kleine luyden' the humble toilers of the fields and towns. Mr.

It is I who have broken up its simplicity, and it belongs to my reader to put it together again. James's Psychology, ch. xxvi. Sigwart's Der Begriff des Wollen's, in his Kleine Schriften. A. Alexander's Theories of the Will. Munsterberg's Die Willenshandlung. Hoffding's Psychology, ch. vii. Conceivably a being such, as has been described might advance no farther.

On, therefore, we tramped, nothing doubting, till, after repeated dips and renewed ascents, each of which opened out to us fresh glories, some of them almost, but not quite equal, to those that lay behind, we arrived, about twelve o'clock, at the village of Kleine Oupa; the most elevated of all the spots on which, in this country of Bohemia, men have ventured to establish their permanent dwellings; and raised, I should conceive, little, if at all, short of four thousand feet above the level of the sea.

The steel tipped arrow ever pointing at the heart of France is safe in the hands of such guardians. The visible head of this vast organization is called Der Grosse General Stab with headquarters in Berlin. Each army corps has a "kleine General Stab" who sends its most able officers to Berlin.

Nicht Wahr?" He looked at her with a shade of anxiety; that tragic anxiety of the veteran artist scenting from afar the sneers of the new critics at his life-work, and morbidly conscious of his hosts of enemies. "As long as the German tongue lives." "Dear old Germany," he said, pleased. "Yes, as I wrote to you, for you are the liebe Kleine of the poem,