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"No, uncle; but there was a poor young fellow here this morning who, I feel sure, was in earnest when he asked for work." "Helen!" bawled uncle Jay-Jay. "Well, what is it?" she inquired, appearing in the doorway. "Next time Sybylla is giving a tramp some tucker, you keep a sharp eye on her or she will be sloping one of these days.

"The grass is not bad about Sydney. I think I will send a truck Of fat wethers away next week," said uncle Jay-Jay to grannie. "It is getting quite dark. Let's get in to dinner at once," said grannie. During the meal I took an opportunity of studying the appearance of Everard Grey.

Uncle Jay-Jay used to accuse me of being in six places at once, and of being incapable of sitting still for five minutes consecutively; so it was simply endurance to live that long, long day nothing to read, no piano on which to play hymns, too wet to walk, none with whom to converse, no possibility of sleeping, as in an endeavour to kill a little of the time I had gone to bed early and got up late.

I missed him at first because he used to be so kind to me; but now I don't, because Mr Creyton, whom Harry left to manage Five-Bob, comes just as often as Harry used to, and is lots funnier. He brings me something nice every time. Uncle Jay-Jay teases me about him. Happy butterfly-natured Gertie! I envied her. With Gertie's letter came also one from grannie, with further mention of Harold Beecham.

Fortunately, Christmas preparations gave us no rest for the soles of our feet, and thus we had little time to moon about such things: in addition, uncle Jay-Jay was preparing for a trip, and fussed so that the whole place was kept in a state of ferment. We had fun, feasting, and company to no end on Christmas Day.

You can stay there for two or three years, and then I can have you here again." I was inconsolable, and would not listen to reason. Ah! that uncle Jay-Jay had been at home to rescue me from this.

I sent every one off to the Triangle paddock today to do some drafting. They all took their quart pots and a snack in their saddle-bags, and won't be home till dark." "Let me go," I persisted; "I often blow the bellows for uncle Jay-Jay, and think it great fun." The offer of my services being accepted, we set out.

"Those who don't approve of my pints, let 'em bring their own," said that mischievous uncle Jay-Jay, who was a great hand at acting the clown when he felt that way inclined. I was dispatched for glasses, and after emptying the bottles uncle proposed a game of tennis first, while the light lasted, and tea afterwards. This proposition being carried with acclamation, we proceeded to the tennis court.

They simply termed them a lazy lot of sneaking creatures, fed them, and thought no more of the matter. I broached the subject to uncle Jay-Jay once, simply to discover his ideas thereon. I was sitting on a chair in the veranda sewing; he, with his head on a cushion, was comfortably stretched on a rug on the floor. "Uncle Boss, why can't something be done for tramps?" "How done for 'em?"

Word had been sent that a considerable number of beasts among those yarded bore the impress of the Bossier brand on their hides; so on Sunday afternoon uncle Jay-Jay had also proceeded thither to be in readiness for the final drafting early on Monday morning.