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Updated: August 10, 2024

We must have been within two hundred yards of the breastwork at the time, and the first gun discharged was Jaap's, who, by working his way into the cover of the swamp, had got some distance ahead of us, and who actually shot down a French officer who had got upon the logs of his defences, in order to reconnoitre. That assault, however, was fearfully avenged!

Both Dirck and myself coincided in this opinion, which even received the support of Jaap's voice. "Yes, sah! yes, Masser Corny, now 'e time to wengeance poor Pete!" he muttered, and that rather louder than was thought quite prudent. As soon as the Trackless found how things were going, he and Jumper prepared for the conflict, as coolly as any of us.

"Yes, sah he say he name be Muss" probably Jaap's defective manner of repeating some Indian sound; "and a proper muss he get in, Masser Corny, when he try to cotch Jaap by he wool!"

"And you think, then, Jaap's prisoner has had a hand in this, and that the war-path is open to revenge as well as public service that we are hunted less for our scalps than to put a plaster on the Huron's back?" "Sartain. T'ree canoe go by on lake t'at Muss, you call him know him, well. He no want sleep till back get well. See how he use nigger!

"Jaap says he is a proper devil, by daylight, and that he had a world of trouble in taking him, and in bringing him in. For five minutes, it was heads or tails which was to give in; and the nigger only got the best of it, by his own account of the battle, because the red-skin had the unaccountable folly to try to beat in Jaap's brains.

Guert was nearest to the verge of the rocks, actually bending over them; Dirck was close at his side; Jaap just behind Dirck; Jumper close at Jaap's elbow; and four of the settlers, bold and hardy men, behind the Oneida.

Susquesus had the merit of discovering the projected attempt, the arrangements for which had completely escaped the vigilance of the sentinels. It would seem that the Onondago, aware of the artifices of the red-man, and acquainted in particular with the personal character of Jaap's friend. Muss, did not believe the night would go by without some serious attempt on the house.

Worden had no great relish for the business, but was ashamed to hang back when he saw Herman Mordaunt cheerfully advancing to the interview. We three were met by as many Hurons, among whom was Jaap's friend 'Muss, who was evidently the leading person of the party. Guert and Jaap were held, bound, about a hundred yards in the rear, but near enough to be spoken to, by raising the voice.

There we stood, huddled together beneath a huge oak, the shade of which rendered the darkness that formed our only safeguard, so much the more intense. So close were we, in fact, that even Jaap's body was in absolute contact with my own.

Owing to our position, directly over his head, we had no chance to see the face of the incendiary while he was thus engaged. At length he cast a glance upward, as if to note the effect of the flames, which were beginning to throw their forked tongues above the pile, when we both recognised Jaap's prisoner, Muss.

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