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And, to give more weight to his protestation, Caderousse advanced another step towards the abbe, who remained motionless in his place, as calm as ever, and pursuing his interrogation. "You lie," said the Abbe Busoni, with a tone of irresistible authority. "Reverend sir!" "You lie! This man is still your friend, and you, perhaps, make use of him as your accomplice." "Oh, reverend sir!"

There was a momentous silence while Lieutenant Servin went to the end of the corridor and signed to the two waiting witnesses to come forward. The two men entered the commandant's office, facing Dumoulin in true military style. Dumoulin, reading out the names of the two witnesses from a paper, started his interrogation with a haughty air. "Hiloire?" "Present, Commandant." "What is your name?"

Monday has a desire to sleep?" observed Mr. Effingham, in the manner in which one puts an interrogation. "He is easier, and dozes. I have left my man with him, with orders to summon me the instant he awakes." A melancholy pause succeeded, and then the discourse took the channel from which it had been diverted. "Is the extent of our losses in effects known?" asked Mr. Sharp.

Raising his eyes from the spot where Elinor lay, her blood staining the polished floor, he turned them upon Salisbury, with a look of interrogation. The Minister collected by an effort his scattered senses. Into his mind came as though by Divine inspiration some inkling of the nature of the threatened danger.

He looked at me with amusement, as I have no doubt those lively eyes, with their brows of arched interest, looked at everything; and his thick grey hair was curved upwards in a confusion of interrogation marks. He chuckled. "This is not a passenger ship," he said. "That will have to be your berth." He pointed to a part of the saloon settee which was about six feet forward and above the propeller.

Whether or no the sign appears from the mouths of the people, it throbs a live interrogation in every freeman's and freewoman's heart after that which passes by or this built to remain. Is it uniform with my country? Are its disposals without ignominious distinctions?

"Si, signore! Si, signore!" The fisherman's greedy little eyes were fixed on Maurice with keen interrogation. "Don't let us forget that," Maurice said, returning his gaze. "You're a good judge of a donkey?" Salvatore laughed. "Per Bacco! There won't be a man at San Felice that can beat me at that!" "Then perhaps you can do something for me. Perhaps you can buy me a donkey.

On the whole, she questioned inwardly whether it might not be some subtle pleasantry, and smiled, experimentally, with a note of interrogation in the smile, but, finding no encouragement, allowed her features to subside gradually as if nothing had happened. I saw all this as plainly as if it had all been printed in great-primer type, instead of working itself out in her features.

He's old English. He won't dream of asking questions. He'll see a brave and honest young man who must love you, or he does love you, that's settled. Your father'll shake his hand, and as for Rhoda, she'll triumph. The only person to speak out to, is the man who marries you, and that you've done." Robert looked the interrogation he did not utter. "I have," said Dahlia.

A narrow vista of tall houses lay to the right and left, lost in impenetrable darkness. The strip of sky overhead was black with midnight. "Noireau?" I asked, in a tone of interrogation. "Oui, oui, madame," responded a chorus of voices. "Carry me to the house of Monsieur Emile Perrier, the avocat," I said, speaking slowly and distinctly.