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"Say, bo," questioned the Spider when they had gone some way in silence, "I ain't seen you fight anywheres, have I?" "No, but I've seen you, Spider, I saw you beat Larry McKinnon at 'Frisco." "Which sure was some fight!" nodded the Spider. "Them half-arm jolts of his sure shook me some; he'd have got me in th' third if I hadn't clinched." "He was a terror at in-fighting." "He sure was, bo!"

"He will make his mark, Jack, look you; not in stubborn in-fighting at the barrier, mayhap, like Dan Morgan, nor in a brilliant dash, like our colonel, but in his own anchor-smith's way a heat at a time, and a blow at a time," said Jennifer; and I nodded.

Twice she gave him inviting openings and then punished him savagely before he could get away; then he attempted in-fighting, but her legs were too nimble. And after a while he lost his head and came at her using sheer weight, which set her beside herself with fury. Teeth clenched, crimson-cheeked, she side-stepped, feinted, and whipped in an upper-cut.

To-night the roles appeared to be reversed, the son pressing hard at the in-fighting, the father trusting to his foot work and countering with the light touch of a man making points. "You ARE boring in, aren't you?" said the father, stopping a fierce rally. "You are not playing up, dad," said his son. "I don't feel like soft work to-night. Come to me!"

He is a curious combination, is David: keen and sharp-witted and as cold as an icicle in the planning part; but when it comes to the in-fighting he hasn't sense enough to pound sand, as his New Hampshire neighbors would say." "I like that side of him best," Penelope averred.

It is our duty to re-take it. Be prepared for slippery footing. Use every bit of shelter, but when we make the final rush give the enemy no time to think. Pour in a volley; fire low, and when it comes to in-fighting, use the bayonet resolutely and you have them beaten. I know I can depend upon you.... There is a foreign flag flying over a British gun.

Matthewson was a human whirlwind, and Dowdall had not had a chance to return a blow. More than half the tremendous punches, hooks and in-fighting jabs delivered by his opponent had got home, and he was "rattled". A fair hook to the chin might send him down and out at any moment.

What need is there to tell the numerous feints, the lightning shifts, the different tricks of in-fighting and all the cunning strategy and ringcraft that Joe brought to bear and carefully explained between rounds?

Instantly his massive enemy ducked, leaped in under his guard, and there came the dull thud of in-fighting; Greer's black head jammed up against Caradoc's chin, his great muscular back bent half double, his tremendous arms working like pistons. The crew howled at this sharp unexpected attack.

"David, you are a brick when it comes to the in-fighting," said the general manager; and then he finished buttoning his collar. At ten forty-eight on the Saturday morning Kent was standing with the general manager on the Union Station track platform beside the engine which was to make the flying run to Gaston.