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Detexit quo dolose Vaticinandi furore sacerdotes mysteria, illis spe ignota, audactur publicant. There is a vast empire governed by a monarch, whose conduct does but confound the minds of his subjects. He desires to be known, loved, respected, and obeyed, but he never shows himself; everything tends to make uncertain the notions which we are able to form about him.

At least AEneas, who knew nothing of the machine of Somnus, takes it plainly in this sense: "O nimium coelo et pelago confise sereno, Nudus in ignota, Palinure, jacebis arena."

Here also are miniatures by other great painters, such as Pourbus, Guido Reni, Bassano, Clouet, Holbein. Look particularly at No. 3382, a woman with brown hair, in purple a most fascinating little picture. The Ignota in No. 3348 might easily be Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I of England.

The padres of its Mexican branch have had their wonderful saints too; and even in the almost terra ignota of New Mexico can be found a few of them that have performed as smart miracles as any recorded in the whole jugglery of the race. A pyrotechnic display followed and no mean exhibition of the sort neither for in this "art" the New Mexicans are adepts.

Spinoza abounds in the same sense, and is as usual perfectly candid In the "Protogaea," xxvi., Leibnitz distinctly suggests the mutability of species "Alii mirantur in saxis passim species videri quas vel in orbe cognito, vel saltem in vicinis locis frustra quaeras. Sed quis absconditos ejus recessus aut subterraneas abyssos pervestigavit? quam multa nobis animalia antea ignota offert novus orbis?

Several of the Indian boys brought up at the school have obtained a considerable amount of learning, and some are ordained ministers of the gospel, and others catechists and schoolmasters at various missionary stations scattered throughout the wide extent of Rupert's Land. You may like to hear something more about that wonderful land, that terra ignota of British Central America.

"I have painted three generations of the family, I who speak to you, and I hope to paint the fourth if Don Orsino here can be cured of his cynicism and induced to marry Donna what is her name?" He turned to the young man. "She has none and she is likely to remain nameless," answered Orsino gloomily. "We will call her Donna Ignota," suggested Madame d'Aragona.

Even the Hudson's Bay trappers have a very imperfect knowledge of it. It has been crossed in one or two places, and skirted by exploring parties, but it is still almost a terra ignota, except to the four or five tribes of Indians who dwell around its borders, and the Esquimaux, who venture a little way into it along the coast of the Arctic Sea.

Welcome, most welcome," cried the old man, descending from his desk, and clasping me in his arms. "Long is it since I have seen thee, my son, Interea magnum sol circumvolvitur annum. Long, yes long, have I yearned for thy return, fearful lest, nudus ignota arena, thou mightest, like another Palinurus, have been cast away.

His early work, the "Mundus Alter et Idem," represents an ideal world divided into regions answering to man's chief weaknesses or vices. He gave with it a map of its Crapulia, Latronia, &c., fully peopled, with a neighbouring land in which there are no signs of settlement, Terra Sancta, ignota etiam adhuc, the Holy Land, even yet unknown.