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He had nothing to guide him save the strange feeling that made him sure if he just kept on, some day he would reach the gate of the bungalow and see Hippity-Hop and the captain watching down the street for him. Jan was able to lap water when he found it, but he could not fight, nor eat, even if he had found food, for the muzzle clamped his jaws together.

Melville was seated, and the Captain on a chair near by, Jan's head rested on the old man's knee and the toil-worn fingers stroked the dog's soft fur. Hippity-Hop rubbed against Jan's legs, purring like a noisy little buzz-saw, and Cheepsie flew down from his cage to perch first on the shoulder of the captain and then on Prince Jan's head, while a flood of bird-music filled the little room.

But just then the band struck up, and we started down the main street of Steubenville. The people began to cheer, 'cause our elephant began to hippity-hop, and waltz sideways across the street and back again, and I thought pa would die.

The men called him Hippity-hop, 'cause he was lame, I guess. But maybe I could find your brother." "I wish someone could," murmured Grace, with a half sob. The Gem chugged on through the darkness, making turn after turn, twisting here and there in the water, The Loon seeming to know the channel perfectly.

Scarecrow seemed to have a lot of friends around him, and he was making a speech. There was Ole Man Pumpkin, of course; and Jehosophat, who had just arrived; and Mr. Stuckup the Turkey, as usual looking very grand and proud; and the Hippity-hop Bunnies, wiggling their noses in their funny way; and Johnny Cottontail, their little wild cousin, making his nose go, too.

She grabbed him around the neck, and you never heard such goin's on as them two had. Nate come hurryin' up. "'Here you! he says, pullin' 'em apart. 'That's enough of this. And you, he adds to Gus, 'clear right out off this island. I won't make shark bait of you this time, but "And then comes Dixland, hippity-hop over the hummocks.

Melville leaned over him as she spoke. "Woof! Woof!" he answered promptly, and they all knew that he meant "Yes." So Mr. Melville got pen and ink and wrote to the poundmaster, telling that Prince Jan was safe and well, and that he, himself, would bring the dog home. That was how Prince Jan came back to the captain and Hippity-Hop, at last.

Stuckup the Turkey, and some, too, for the Foolish White Geese; and meal for the Pretty Pink Pigeons; and lettuce leaves for the hippity-hop white Bunnies; and milk from the little bottle for the Pussy; and puppy biscuit for the three Dogs; and worms for the Little Fish, all placed very politely in their little dishes. It was a grand party.

Once again Jan went on a big boat, but he did not worry this time, because his friends were with him. Hippity-Hop and Cheepsie had been left with the doctor's wife until the captain should return for them. The voyage was followed by travelling in a train, and each day of the whole journey the doctor and captain visited Jan.

TISHKA. He sure has. PODKHALYÚZIN. Talk sense, you little devil! Was he going to come again? TISHKA. He was that! PODKHALYÚZIN. Well, you can run along, now. TISHKA. Do you want any vodka? PODKHALYÚZIN. Yes, I do. But see that you hurry, so they don't miss you here! TISHKA. I'll be home before a short-haired girl can twist her braids. Off I go, hippity-hop. PODKHALYÚZIN alone