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I watched the night gathering on the sea, while over my home the whizz-bang gun that evil genius of the place, and the murderer of Jimmy Doon spat its high-velocity shells. I was alone.

The high-velocity slug would go right through him, to explode in one of the struggling figures behind and the wrong one might get it. The Connie saw Rip's action and tossed his pistol aside. He, too, knew he couldn't fire. He reached into a knee pouch and drew out his space knife. He leaped for the Planeteer. Rip pulled frantically at his pistol.

Hersin Coupigny was still fairly thickly populated, but the news from the Merville and Kemmel area where the enemy seemed to be making good progress, together with the arrival each evening of a few high-velocity shells, were fast driving the inhabitants to seek safety further West. We remained here until the 24th of April, the first few days in huts, the remainder in the Tile Factory.

"Hold on to something, Murgatroyd," commanded Calhoun. "We may have to dodge some ack." But nothing came up from below. The Med Ship again inverted itself, and its rockets pointed toward the planet and poured out pencil-thin, blue-white, high-velocity flames. It checked slightly, but continued to descend. It was not directly above the grid.

As I stood and looked, suddenly the horrid bark of the modern high-velocity field-gun began down below in our lines, and the word passed along that a British battery had succeeded in getting through the jam, and was opening on the enemy from just outside the Legations. The barking went on very rapidly for a few minutes, and then ceased as suddenly as it had begun.

Arterio-venous aneurysm is a frequent result of injuries by modern high-velocity bullets for example, in the neck or groin.

"Sorry, sir, you didn't ask me," was the toneless reply. The doctor looked unutterable things, and the lighted end of his cigar described three or four irregular circles. "Gosh!" he pronounced briskly. "We gotta put more pep into looking for this dog, or the war'll end before we find him." A high-velocity shell bursting on the near side of the factory helped to decide us.

"The colonel said he wouldn't be late but we needn't wait," said the adjutant. "No; we don't want to wait," agreed Wilde, who had been munching chocolate. At a quarter-past one; "Crump!" "Crump!" "Crump!" the swift, crashing arrival of three high-velocity shells. "I'll bet that's not far from A Battery," called Wilde, jumping up; and then settled down again to his cold beef and pickles.

The Boers have mounted a 40-pounder high-velocity gun on the spur of the latter, and give us a taste of its quality by throwing several shells into the Fusilier camp at Range Post and bursting shrapnel over the town. The bombardment finishes about dusk with some vicious shots from Bulwaan.

Another development which was destined to play an ever increasing part in the war and to make its closing phases worse in some respects than its early, was the long-range high-velocity gun. Though fully seven miles behind the line, Arras was shelled throughout the summer with very heavy shells.