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It is his work if she cleaves to the religious belief of her people, if she who is a Hellene to the last drop of blood loves Egypt, and is ready to make any sacrifice for her independence and grandeur.

The work, which Alexander king of Macedonia had begun a century before the Romans acquired their first footing in the territory which he had called his own, had in the course of time while adhering substantially to the great fundamental idea of Hellenizing the east changed and expanded into the construction of a system of Hellene- Asiatic states.

At how low a stage the average instruction of youth in Rome still stood at the beginning of the seventh century, may be inferred from the expressions of Polybius, who in this one respect prominently censures the criminal indifference of the Romans as compared with the intelligent private and public care of his countrymen; no Hellene, not even Polybius himself, could rightly enter into the deeper idea of civil equality that lay at the root of this indifference.

Of himself he thought little save to hope that under the boiling sea was rest and no return of memory. Then Brasidas called him. “Quick! The others are Barbarians and you a Hellene. Your chanceleap!” He did not stir. Theothers”—two strangers in Oriental dresswere striving to enter the pinnace. The seamen thrust their dirks out to force them back.

Yes, they were the very same features that I had seen, first at Naukratis and then in Theodorus' workshop, they were . . ." "Marvellous!" interrupted Hystaspes. "Perhaps a little too much so to be credible," added the king. "Take care, Hellene! remember my arm reaches far. I shall have the truth of your story put to the proof."

"Have you no scruple in marching against your own city?" "I am a Hellene, not an Athenian, Sparta is the chief city of Hellas." "Alcibiades is great! Now I go to the general, and this evening we march." "Go, King! Alcibiades follows." The King went, but Alcibiades did not follow, for behind the curtains of the women's apartment stood the Queen, and waited. When the King had gone, she rushed in.

With such a past, only a madman as well as traitor would dream of submitting to Xerxes now. But as for the admonition of Xenagoras to quit Attica and never strike a blow, Themistocles would have none of it. With a clearness that appealed to every home-loving Hellene he pictured the fate of wanderers as only one step better than that of slaves. What, then, was left?

It is his work if she cleaves to the religious belief of her people, if she who is a Hellene to the last drop of blood loves Egypt, and is ready to make any sacrifice for her independence and grandeur.

Various matters undoubtedly held him firmly enough in Tennis she admitted this to herself after she grew calmer but he had promised to come; he would surely enter the boat, and she she would submit to share the night with the Hellene. Her whole being longed for the bliss awaiting her, and it could come from no one save the man whose lips would seek hers when the moon rose over the Pelican Island.

Arrived at court at the end of the year, he attained to very high consideration there, such as no Hellene has ever possessed before or since; partly from his splendid antecedents, partly from the hopes which he held out of effecting for him the subjugation of Hellas, but principally by the proof which experience daily gave of his capacity.