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Scores and hundreds of Africans died during the journey, from the hardships they were compelled to undergo, and Havana harbor itself was the last grave of many of these hapless ones. It was just after the middle of the seventeenth century and during the rule of Oliver Cromwell in England, that the Spanish governors of Cuba began to fear an attack by a British fleet.

Give them their due, were their skill in exercises and discipline proportioned to their courage, they would make the bravest soldiers in the world. They are large bodies, and prodigiously strong; and two qualities they have above other nations, viz., hardy to endure hunger, cold, and hardships, and wonderfully swift of foot.

It was an arduous effort an improbable hope; but the words heard by the bridge of Paris words that had often cheered him in his exile through hardships and through dangers which it is unnecessary to our narrative to detail yet rung again in his ear, as he leaped on his native land, "Time, Faith, Energy."

If not, consider whether we can sell our property and go to live elsewhere.... Look to your life and health; and if you cannot share the honours of the land like other burghers, be contented that bread does not fail you, and live well with Christ, and poorly, as I do here; for I live in a sordid way, regarding neither life nor honours that is, the world and suffer the greatest hardships and innumerable anxieties and dreads.

In spite of severe hardships, a considerable part of the line had been erected when the successful completion of the trans-Atlantic cable, in 1866, caused the enterprise to be abandoned after an expenditure of 3,000,000 dollars.

It would seem, therefore, that Fate dealt more kindly with the young man than he, at that time, realized; for, had he remained, his discouragements would undoubtedly have increased; whereas, by his return to his native land, although meeting with many disappointments and suffering many hardships, he was gradually turned into a path which ultimately led to fame and fortune.

Only one of their number ever returned alive to Europe to tell of the horrors and hardships of the fierce struggle there endured, of the cruelty of the Spaniards, and the uselessness of the fight from the Anarchist point of view. The Cuban fever was very catching, and after the departure of this first band there was a regular epidemic of departure at the Tocsin.

Her old life, with all its associations, was fading, and the North was gripping her hard, as it does so many sooner or later who enter its portals. Chains had been forged which were binding her to the land, chains of hardships, sorrow, and, not the least, love. She had lost a dear and only brother here, but she had gained much in compensation.

This was the last attempt for a considerable time to regain possession of Trenck's person. But the two friends suffered greatly from hardships and were made to feel more than once the cruelty of Prussian oppression.

Only those who had saved nothing lost nothing, for Merton's was the only bank on the coast; and more than one old fisherman bent with rheumatism, crippled by the hardships of a life spent half in the water, half on it saw his savings the fruit of long toilsome years go to pay the London tradesmen a part of what young Merton owed them. It was the old, oft-repeated tale of over-education.