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Hardie not to neglect his son's case, nor to suppose that matters could go on like this without "disintegrating or disorganising the grey matter of the brain.

"Certainly not," said Hardie stoutly. "My money! My money!" cried David fiercely. "No more words. I know you now. I saw you put it in that safe. You want to steal my children's money. My money, ye pirate, or I'll strangle you!"

The farrago he had administered would have done an excited maniac no good, of course, but no great harm. It was dangerous to a sane man: and Alfred to the naked eye was a sane man. But then Bailey had no naked eye left: he had been twenty years an M. D. The certificates of Wycherley and Speers were the green spectacles he wore very green ones whenever he looked at Alfred Hardie.

It importeth above all thyng, to knowe the capitain of the enemies, and whom he hath aboute hym, whether he be rashe, or politike, whether he be fearfull, or hardie: to see how thou maiest truste upon the aidyng souldiours.

Hardie, who ran over the notes and bills, and said the amount was L. 14,010, 12s. 6d. Dodd asked for a receipt. "Why, it is not usual when there is an account." Dodd's countenance fell: "Oh, I should not like to part with it unless I had a receipt." "You mistake me," said Hardie with a smile. "An entry in your banker's book is a receipt. However, you can have one in another form."

Nay, more, he was frightened; for the emotion of this iron man, so hard to move, was overpowering when it came: it did not soften, it convulsed him. "Don't talk so, sir," said the little clerk. "Keep up your heart! Have a drop of something." "You are right," said Mr. Hardie gloomily; "it is idle to talk: we are all the slaves of circumstances."

Dodd denied the wax doll: but owned Miss Hardie was open to vast objections: "An inestimable young lady; but so odd; she is one of these uneasy-minded Christians that have sprung up: a religious egotist, and malade imaginaire, eternally feeling her own spiritual pulse " Why Religion, apart from intermittent Fever of the Brain, is just the caumest, peaceablest, sedatest thing in all the world."

He wandered out into the silent night, and soon was leaning on the gate of Albion Villa, gazing wistfully at the windows, and sore perplexed and nobly wretched. As he was going out, Mr. Hardie raised his eyebrows with a look of disinterested wonder and curiosity; and touched his forehead to Jane, as much as to say, "Is he disordered in his mind?"

On this Saunders shrugged his shoulders, rose, and cross-examined Alfred about the vision of one Captain Dodd he had seen, and about his suspicions of his father. "Had not Richard Hardie always been a kind and liberal father?" To this he assented. "Had he not sacrificed a large fortune to his creditors?" Plaintiff believed so.

There was a struggling knot of men pressed against the side of the car, but it broke up when more figures came running up and one man cried out sharply as he was struck by a heavy lump of gravel. Then Hardie found himself kneeling beside Farren, who lay senseless near the wheels with the blood running down his set white face.