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What might have happened in the next minute or two one may speculate about, yet never definitely know, for in the instant of profound silence that followed Hank's roaring voice, and as though in answer to it, something went past through the darkness of the sky overhead at terrific speed something of necessity very large, for it displaced much air, while down between the trees there fell a faint and windy cry of a human voice, calling in tones of indescribable anguish and appeal

"Do you wish Fred and me to part company?" Hank's eyes twinkled and a quizzical expression lit up that part of his countenance which was visible. "'Twouldn't be safe." "Why not?" "You'd each take the other fur a wild donkey and plug him afore you found out the mistake, which the same wouldn't be such a mistake after all."

"I see you wasn't much taken aback." "No. We was expectin' something like that and had discounted it. I'm just as well pleased Stan's in jail just now, and I'm goin' to leave him there a spell. Safer there. You remember old Hank Bergman?" Carr nodded. "Well, Hank's the sheriff here and he'll give us a square deal. Now I'm goin' back to interview that boy of yours some more.

Hank's tried it, already." Hank Simpson came across the room to where the Captain stood, looking woe-begone. "The minister says our fears ain't got no foundation about that feller being crooked, and he won't listen to reason," declared the dejected Hank. "By the Almighty, he'll listen to me!" exclaimed the Captain. "He wouldn't listen to his own mother if she was here.

"But Hank's a rank believer In the Injun story of the mountain, and would never come here of his own accord; but to keep an eye on me, and, stand between me and danger, he'd just crawl down the crater of a live volcano." "Seems like the show might be over for tonight," Bob suggested.

When he had spent his strength and most of his rage together, he let Hank go and felt tenderly his own bruised knuckles. He never knew how close he was to death in the next five minutes, while Hank was saddling up to go. For Hank's fingers went several times to his rifle and hovered there, itching to do murder, while Hank's mind revolved the consequences.

He had no personal interest in him, but did not propose to be involved in any trouble that might arise through some action that Bill wished to take. He was glad when, finally, it appeared settled that he was not to be thrown into the sea. Bill arose and replenished the fire, and following Hank's example refilled and lighted his pipe, then reseated himself. Neither of the men spoke.

"My honest friend," says the feller, "I am NOT a preacher. Not right now, anyhow. No! My mission is spreading the glad tidings of good health. Look at me," and he swells his chest up, and keeps a-holt of Hank's eyes with his'n.

Well, they was worse places to live in than that there little town, even if they wasn't no railroad within eight miles, and only three hundred soles in the hull copperation. Which Hank's shop and our house set in the edge of the woods jest outside the copperation line, so's the city marshal didn't have no authority to arrest him after he crossed it.

Which if they hadn't of been all worked up and talking all to oncet and all thinking of Hank's body hanging out there in the blacksmith shop they might of suspicioned something. For that flopping kep' up steady, and a lot of splashing too.