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The succeeding months seemed to prove her right; and the all-absorbing interest in the family was Mr. Gray's election to the Presidency of the Cooperative Creamery Association of Hamstead, and his probable chances of being nominated as First Selectman in place of Silas Jones, recently deceased at March Town Meeting.

"By Ashland, Winston, Hanover, Cash Corner, Enon Church, Salem Church, Totopotomoy, Old Church, "You observe that we are trotting. "By Hamstead, Garlick, Tunstall Station, Talleyville, Forge Mill, Chickahominy, Sycamore, White Birch. "Here we change gait.

I have met with several instances of epitaphs on the gravestones of such valuable domestics, recorded with the simple truth of natural feeling. I have two before me at this moment; one copied from a tombstone of a church-yard in Warwickshire: "Here lieth the body of Joseph Batte, confidential servant to George Birch, Esq., of Hamstead Hall.

Your mother won't want me forever, and I want a little place of my very own, and I love Hamstead and the river and the valley I didn't dare suggest this you all, except Thomas, seemed so averse to disposing of any of the property, but "If we sell the meadow to Weston, I am sure you can have the cottage and as much land as you want around it; but the trouble is "

He hesitated a moment, and then said, laughing, "It didn't occur to me that you'd come to the station, and I fully intended to go somewhere and get a hair-cut that wouldn't proclaim me as coming straight from Hamstead, Vermont, and replenish the wardrobe that looked so inexhaustible to me last fall, before I presented myself to you." Sylvia joined in his laugh. "Go ahead.

This isn't a "fashionable line," so they say, but it's a good deal more fashionable than anything we ever saw in Hamstead, Vermont! There's dancing every evening not a bit like what we have at home, and it really made me gasp a little at first you thought I was hard to shock, too, didn't you?

Tell him the same thing, of course, pack my suit-case, and start back to Hamstead as soon as I had met the men I came to see on business." "Oh, Austin, how can you talk so! I don't believe you really want me, after all!" "Don't you?" he asked in an absolutely expressionless voice, and pushing back his chair he walked over to the window, turning his back on her completely.

To Hamstead, to speak with the Atturny-generall; whom we met in the fields, by his old rout and house. Thence to Mr. Chichly's by invitation, and there dined with Sir John, his father not coming home. 18th. Alone to the Park; but there were few coaches: among the few there were our two great beauties, my Lady Castlemaine and Richmond; the first time I saw the latter since she had the small pox.

Between Broadway and the "main street" of Wallacetown, and other places of its type small railroad or manufacturing centres, standing alone in an otherwise purely agricultural community the odds in favor of virtue, not to say decency, are all in favor of Broadway; and Wallacetown, to the average youth of Hamstead, represents the one opportunity for a "show," "something to drink," and "life" in general.

Well, the best of luck go with you. Southampton, October 27 DEAR SYLVIA: I had a feeling in my bones when I woke up this morning that something extra pleasant was going to happen; and when I got down to breakfast, and saw, on the top of my pile of mail, a letter postmarked Hamstead, but in a strange handwriting, I knew that it had happened.