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Updated: August 16, 2024

Groome, however, had got so entirely sick of his novel before he had completed it that he refused absolutely to put another hour’s work into it; for, as he said, “the writing of it had already been a loss to the pantry.” He sent it, as it was, to an eminent firm of publishers, who, knowing Groome and his abilities, would have willingly taken it if they had seen their way to do so.

Talbot come at once? A new San Franciscan was imminent via Mrs. Alexander Groome on Ballinger Hill. The doctor grumbled. "And raining cats and dogs. Why couldn't she wait until tomorrow? We'll probably get stuck in the mud. Damn women and their everlasting babies." She helped him into his overcoat and wished him a pleasant good-night.

"What are you so busy about?" Evadne asked her. "My profession," she answered laconically. "And what is that?" Lord Groome inquired, with that ponderous affectation of playfulness which he believed to be acceptable to women. "The Higher Education of Man," she rejoined, then darted down a side street, laughing.

Groome urged me to let him read it, and he did read it, as far as it was then complete, and took an extremely kind view of it, and urged me to bring it out.

But now came another and a new cause for delay in my bringing out ‘Aylwin’: Groome himself, who at that time knew more about Romany matters than all other Romany students of my acquaintance put together, showed a remarkable gift as a raconteur, and I felt quite sure that he could, if he set to work, write a Romany storythe Romany story of the English language.

That was a unique and vivid day for young Alexina Groome, whose disposition was to look upon life as drama and asked only that it shift its scenes often and be consistently entertaining and picturesque. Never, so James told her, since her Grandmother Ballinger's reign, had there been such life and movement in the old house. All Mrs.

The visitor nodded, not without a touch of complacency, as of a monarch abandoning his incognito. For Mr. Jarvis was a celebrity. By profession he was a dealer in animals, birds, and snakes. He had a fancier's shop on Groome Street, in the heart of the Bowery. This was on the ground floor.

A declaration trembled on his tongue, but he felt that he would be taking an unfair advantage and restrained himself. Besides, he wished to win Mrs. Groome completely to his side, to say nothing of the still more alarming because more worldly Mrs. Abbott. She was a snob, if you like!

I've seen men of your set in the gutter here when they'd only been on a spree for a week. Take Alexander Groome and Jack Belmont, for instance. And after the gutter it is sometimes the calaboose." "You are cruel, and perhaps I deserve it. But if you will give me his address I will write to him." "I wouldn't. He might be too drunk to read your letter, and lose it. Or he might tear it up in a fury.

At least she was thankful that it had been bought for her and not sent to his wife by mistake, an experience that had happened the other day to Maria Groome. The town had rocked with laughter and Groome had made a hurried trip East on business. But Madeleine no longer found consolation in the reflection that things might be worse.

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