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'Thought he did, corrected my father. 'Without discussing the word, said Griff, 'I mean that the effect on his senses was the same as the actual sight. You could not look at him without being certain. 'Exactly so, returned my mother. 'I wish Dr. Fellowes were near.

I found that Clarence had heard none of the mysterious whispers afloat, and only knew that Griff had deserted the room after his own return to London. I related what I had learnt from the old lady, and in that midnight hour we agreed that it could be no mere fancy or rumour, but that cruel wrong must have been done in that chamber.

Griff proposed cards to drive away fancies, especially as the sounds were beginning; but though we generally yielded to him we COULD not give our attention to anything but these. There was first a low moan. 'No great harm in that, said Griff; 'it comes through that crack in the wainscot where there is a sham window. Some putty will put a stop to that.

The door into his bedroom was open, and Griff, taking up one of the flat candlesticks, pursued his researches, holding the flame to all chinks or cracks in the wainscotting to detect draughts which might cause the dreary sounds, which were much more like suppressed weeping than any senseless gust of wind.

'Depend upon it, a gay young widow needs no kindness from me, and had better not have it from you, said my mother, getting up from behind her urn and walking off, followed by my father. Griff drummed on the table. 'I wonder what good ladies of a certain age do with their charity, he said.

There were sufficient grains of truth in this to make the poor girl cry herself out of all condition for appearing at breakfast or luncheon, and Emily's report of her despair made us much more angry with Mrs. Fordyce than was perhaps quite due to that good lady. My parents were at first inclined to take the same line, and be vexed with Griff for an act of impertinence towards a guest.

'Oh, deliver me from such con-sci-en-tious-ness, he answered, in a tone of bitter mimicry, and flung out of the room leaving Emily in tears. He could not appreciate the nobleness of Ellen's self-command and the obedience which was the security of future happiness, but was hurt at what he thought weak alienation. One note of sympathy would have done much for Griff just then.

Griff had toiled that night till he was as stiff as a rheumatic old man when he came down only just in time for luncheon. Mrs. Fordyce did not appear at all. She was a fragile creature, and quite knocked up by the agitations of the night.

He was really angry with Griff that morning for mischievously maintaining that it was a greater breach of the commandment to work an ass than a horse. It was a pretty drive on a road slanting gradually through the brushwood that clothed the steep face of the hillside, and passing farms and meadows full of cattle all things quieter and stiller than ever in their Sunday repose.

Presently Clarence exclaimed, 'There! and on his face there was a whiteness and an expression which always recurs to me on reading those words of Eliphaz the Temanite, 'Then a spirit passed before my face, and the hair of my flesh stood up. Even Griff was awestruck as we cried, 'Where? what? 'Don't you see her? There! By the press look! 'I see a patch of moonlight on the wall, said Griff.