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No north east a point east, he says. 'Th' inimies iv our counthry has been cr-rushed, he says, 'or is stuck down in Floridy with his rig'mint talkin', he says, 'his hellish docthrines to th' allygatars, he says. 'Th' nation is wanst more at peace undher th' gran' goold standard, he says. 'We ar-re bound, he says, 'to to re-elize our destiny, whativer it may be, he says.

The Judith bein' a small ship, Cap'n Drake took her in and moored her alongside a wharf upon which we stowed part of our stores and water casks, so 's to have more room for movin' about on deck; but as for the rest, they'd to do the best they could while lyin' off to their anchors. And one of the first things that we did was to transfer all the goold and pearls that we'd collected to the Jesus.

On the contrary, its rhetoric excited and touched him. The flattery of the final sentences elated him. The absurdity of the idea that Ireland needed him, a fifth-rate office clerk, an out-of-work commercial traveller who had failed to sell blankets and flannels, did not strike him at all. The figure of Augusta Goold rose to his mind.

"Will that do?" asked Dick, triumphantly. "Ay, lad, it will. The pup's worth its weight in goold." "Oui, I have said, and I say it agen, de dog is human, so him is. If not, fat am he?" Without pausing to reply to this perplexing question, Dick stepped forward again, and in half-an-hour or so they were back in the camp. "Now for your part of the work, Joe.

Occasionally, however, Miss Goold did entertain a few of her friends, and it was generally admitted among them that she not only provided food and drink of great excellence, but arranged the appointments of her feasts luxuriously. On the very day after his interview with Tim Halloran Hyacinth received an invitation to dinner at the Killiney villa.

'The name of Irishman will never be disgraced by such an act. Augusta Goold flung her cigarette into the grate, and rose from her chair. She stood over Hyacinth, her hands clenched and her bosom heaving rapidly. Her eyes blazed down into his until their scorn cowed him. 'There is no treachery possible for an Irishman, she said, 'except the one of fighting for England.

'What we want, he says, 'is freedom, he says; 'an', if ye think we have been in th' woods dodgin' th' savage corryspondint f'r two year, he says, 'f'r th' sake iv r-rushin' yer laundhry home, he says, ''tis no wondher, he says, 'that th' r-roads fr'm Marinette to Kalamazoo is paved with goold bricks bought be th' people iv ye'er native State, he says.

"And so things went on until we'd a sold every black that remained; and by that time we'd got so much goold and so many pearls that the admiral was afeard that if we tried to get more we mid lose all, and accordin'ly, a'ter holdin' a council o' war, it was decided to make for whoam, and we bore away up north to get into the Gulf Stream to help us to beat up again' the easterly winds that do blow always in them parts.

"Sure it's my own brother Ted as wos out there a year gone by, an' he swore he picked up goold like stones an' putt them in his pocket, but the capting o' the ship he sailed in towld him it wos brass, an' his mates laughed at him to that extint that he flung it all overboord in a passion.

A cheer rose from the men, who had watched with interest his efforts to escape, and who now welcomed him as if he had been one of themselves. "Two months' pay for your horse, Major!" cried Clayley. "Och, the bewtiful baste! He's worth the full of his skin in goold! By my sowl! the capten ought to have 'im," ejaculated Chane; and various other encomiums were uttered in honour of Hercules.