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The Renton forwards, however, were too smart for the bulk of the Cambuslang backs, and woe betide a goalkeeper when he is not properly supported there! Mr. Dunn had a lively time of it in the contest, and saved some splendid shies from taking effect. ~J. Smith.~ The Cambuslang team were never famed for the brilliancy of their back play.

They had lost their grand goalkeeper, and the crack half-back had vacated his favourite position to keep the ball from going between the uprights in "time o' need." Some of the daring forwards had also bade farewell to the game, and were scattered over the length and breadth of the land.

Tom even came out to the Recreation Ground at Crosshill, and practised with the Conquerors as goalkeeper, and promised well in that position, but through some cause or other he did not play when the eventful day came. If ever a man could handle a ball and kick a goal as a quarter-back in a Rugby game, it was Chaloner.

When approaching the goal with the ball, he is like the priest who had a "wonderful way wid him" slipping through the backs in a manner that is sure to make the goalkeeper gnash his teeth, and wish Maley was far enough away. My football boots are getting what might be called shabby genteel now, and no wonder.

It would take too long to recount the games in which he and I were engaged in the subsequent career of the Conquerors, but an incident or two will not be considered out of place. If Dixy had one weakness more than another it consisted in a lively sense of his own importance as a crack goalkeeper, and the supposed invincible qualities of his club, which he often declared could not be beaten.

A few of the Pilgrims took kindly to the Association rules, and while that season lasted two of the leading forwards joined the Cedargrove, and turned out capital players. Another joined the Druids, and became a famous goalkeeper, even going as far as playing for his country in the International match, and the fourth turned out a leading man in the Holyrood Crescent.

He is still to the fore, and does duty as well as ever. Early in his football career Mr. Gillespie was not a goalkeeper, for I am certain I saw him play at back in some of the early matches of the "Light Blues." Nature, metaphorically speaking, never intended him to be anything in the game but a goalkeeper, and a brilliant one, too.

On the tenth he played the host. By the end of the fortnight the flapping of the white wings of Peace over the Postage Department was setting up a positive draught. Mike, who had been introduced by Psmith as a distant relative of Moger, the goalkeeper, was included in the great peace.

The Crowers' goalkeeper was a good one, and could clear his place of defence with great ability, but the backs were not of much account. Pate M'Wherry and Luke M'Tavish did the work at half-back, but their kicking was somewhat feeble when compared with those of the Conquerors, Tom James and Willie Keith.

In 1875 he played against England. ~William Gibb.~ I am sorry to say Mr. Gibb is dead, and that the sad event severs the link that bound the whole of the Clydesdale eleven together, with the exception of the blank left by the loss of their accomplished goalkeeper. Mr.