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This was M'Gregor's opportunity, and never man used it better. If ever he made his way past the backs, and was alone with the goalkeeper, ten to one but his team was a goal to the good in a few minutes. He played against England in 1877, 1878, and 1880. ~J. M'Dougall.~ Two years previous to this final tie, Mr. M'Dougall was the most brilliant forward in Scotland, and he and Mr.

Wilson, the Vale of Leven goalkeeper, came in for a fair share of praise; and so did Arnott, Smellie, Sellar, Gulliland, and Gillespie for their brilliant play, but many were in ecstacy about young Wilson.

With the ordinary goalkeeper the punt-out kick, when dexterously executed, was considered the most effective mode of saving the ball from going under the tape, when the use of the hands to knock it out was not deemed necessary, but Aleck preferred the drop-kick, which is one of the redeeming features in the Rugby style of play, and this he could do almost to perfection.

The goalkeeper of the team, too, young Lincoln, was rather a nice-looking fellow, nearly six feet high, and well-proportioned, with eyes sparkling with humour, but he lacked the fine open countenance of his captain. "The other members of the team were much of the ordinary type of humanity, just like our average football club men, with any amount of nerve and energy.

Robert Gardner, the once famous goalkeeper. The annual competition for the Association Cup, when the clubs who entered for it the first year only numbered 16, were proceeded with in a much more gentlemanly way than is the case now, but the reason is obvious.

Kelly is, so to speak, unknown to the game as a goalkeeper, he promises to become a good man below the bar. The ability of the Celtic goalkeeper, however, is certainly not equal to the back and half-back play; and, while Kelly did very well in this match, his duties were rendered less difficult by the splendid defence shown at back by Mr. M'Keown, and the grand half-back efforts of Mr. M'Laren.

Talking about the above goalkeeper, Aleck M'Gregor was one of the finest fellows that ever stood with his back to a goal. There was the cheerful disposition, the gentlemanly demeanour to opponents or associates whenever he appeared on the field.

In the early history of Association football some of the best players ever Scotland produced were also good cricketers, and Parlane was one of these, and a grand wicketkeeper. Without saying too much of the men who have over and over again distinguished themselves, I cannot help saying that a better goalkeeper never chucked out a ball. Mr.

And you think you can wade there?" queried Will, as he saw Frank drawing on the second pair of heavy shoes, that had already been in the water. "That's what we have to do. Ready, Bluff?" cried Frank, snatching up his own double-barreled shotgun. "Where do I come in?" demanded Will as they slid overboard. "You're the goalkeeper this time. Hold the ship, with Joe, here, till we get back."

John Smith, who scored so many goals in the half-a-dozen Internationals in which he took part against England. Campbell never waited a second before making his parting shot, and sometimes the goalkeeper failed to get the ball before it went spinning through. ~The Final Association Cup Tie of 1889.~