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Updated: August 20, 2024

He placed the plastic zestfully on the table where he'd been restricted to drawing pictures of his wife and children in order to recover memories of them. He began to plan, gloatingly, the thing he would carve out of a four-inch section of the plastic. When it was carved, he'd paint it.

"Give a knave rope enough and he'll hang himself" he said gloatingly. "Because the land favoured them at Boston, they got the idea they were invincible, and Congress would have it that New York must be defended, though a hundred thousand troops could not have done it against the fleet, let alone Howe's army. Ho!

I see thee, villain, I see thee already with a halter round thy neck." Having spoken so, gloatingly, evilly, he sank back again, and composed himself. It was as if a curtain fell. All emotion passed again from his pale face. Back to invest it again came that gentle melancholy.

For perhaps a minute the man stood by the table sifting the little rolls of money through his fingers gloatingly then, impulsively, he pushed these to one side, produced a revolver, laid it on the table, and from another pocket took out a little case which, as he opened it, Jimmie Dale could see contained a hypodermic syringe.

"Here you are, boys," said he pleasantly to the two firemen, who looked gloatingly at the liquor; "this will warm you up for the drenching you will get presently."

Given free reign under the conditions herein outlined, the youth of the land is abandoning itself to a safe and sane orgie of iconoclasm. Satanic epigrams cloud the air of the very market-place. Poets, column conductors, hack literary reviewers, hack romancers, lecturers, realists, imagists, and all are gloatingly engaged in sacking the Temple, in thumbing their nose at the taboos.

And he was sure that his watery eyes could not see very well, though his ears had heard distinctly. "She was looking at you, Brokaw straight at you when she said good-night," he added. "You sure sure she said it to me, Mac?" David nodded, even as his blood ran a little cold. A leering grin of joy spread over Brokaw's face. "The the little devil!" he said, gloatingly. "What does it mean?"

"Yes," she whispered. They heard voices now, and almost opposite them they saw shadowy figures running out to the canoes upon the sand-bar. "They will think that we are escaping toward Churchill," said Philip, gloatingly. "It is the nearest refuge. See " One of the canoes was launched, and shot swiftly down the river. A moment later the second followed.

So say all of his kind with which he herds. They gather together and solemnly and gloatingly make and repeat certain noises that sound like "discretion," "acumen," "initiative," "enterprise." These noises are especially gratifying when they are made backward. They mean the same things, but they sound different. And in either case, forward or backward, the spirit of the dream is not disturbed.

At this Chris raised a feeble lamentation, but he was evidently a person whose objections nobody was accustomed to heed. Captain Magnus, who might with plausibility have urged claims superior to those of all the rest, assented to the arrangement with a willingness which filled me with boding. I had caught his restless furtive eye fixed gloatingly upon me more than once.

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