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The sunfish and bream floated with quivering fins or darted among the rippling shadows on that autumn morning as we see them doing now. The mocking-bird sang among the overhanging branches the same varied song which gladdens our ears, and the wild deer then, as now, lay peacefully in the shady coverts of the neighboring woods.

"Long, long have I bewailed the sev'rance of our loves, * With tears that from my lids streamed down like burning rain; And vowed that, if the days deign reunite us two, * My lips should never speak of severance again: Joy hath o'erwhelmed me so that, for the very stress * Of that which gladdens me to weeping I am fain.

That omniscience, as manifested here, shows us how glad Christ is when He sees anything good, anything that He can praise in any of us. There is nothing which so gladdens Christ as to see in us any faint traces of longing for, and love towards, and likeness to, His own self.

"Wine, good and pure wine," Mr Montefiore used to say, "God has given to man to cheer him up when borne down by grief and sorrow; it gladdens his heart, and causes him to render thanks to heaven for mercies conferred upon him." In holy writ we find "give wine unto those that be of heavy heart;" also, "wine maketh glad the heart of man."

He laughed at her words, but refused to go on with the subject. "I was only teasing you a little," he said. "It gladdens me even to see you put yourself in a temper, Mary it brings back old times when we were always such good friends, and sometimes had such grand quarrels." Mary also laughed, and rang the bell for afternoon tea.

It is the most wonderful, the greatest of all living powers. Love gives life to the lifeless. Love lights a flame in the heart that is cold. Love brings hope to the hopeless and gladdens the hearts of the sorrowful. In the world of existence there is indeed no greater power than the power of love. When the heart of man is aglow with the flame of love, he is ready to sacrifice alleven his life.

As for the useful qualities that are therein, it disperses gravel from the kidneys and strengthens the bowels, banishes care, moves to generosity and preserves health and digestion. It assains the body, expels disease from the joints, purifies the frame of corrupt humours, engenders cheerfulness and gladdens and keeps up the natural heat.

"Henri! my boy my son my hero! this news makes me young again! it gladdens my old heart like the shout of victory upon a stricken field. Is this your offence? I freely pardon it." "You know not all, baron. You knew that I was a poor and obscure soldier of fortune." "The man who has distinguished himself as you have done this day, might claim the hand of an emperor's daughter."

The warm sunshine gladdens the hearts of the moorhens floating on the water yonder by the bushes, and their singular note, "coorg-coorg," is uttered at intervals.

Mary, the lover; Peter, the penitent; the two disciples on the way to Emmaus, the thinkers; Thomas, the stiff unbeliever the presence of the Christ is enough for them all; it cures those that need cure, and gladdens those that need gladdening. I am not going to do anything so foolish as to try to tell over again, less vividly, this well-known story.