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Gerwazy looked around and stroked his bald pate; he made a careless motion of his hand as if to signify that he had already arranged the whole matter. But Rykov persisted:— “Well, will Plut keep quiet? Has he given his word to do so?”

I thought to myselfthat boy was born under a happy star; too bad that he is a Soplica! Who would have guessed that in him I was to greet the owner of the castle, the husband of Panna Sophia, Her Grace my Lady!” Here they broke off their conversation, but, deep in thought, they continued to drink; one could only hear now and then these brief words, “Yes, yes, Gerwazy”; “Yes, Protazy.”

Telimena’s plans for the chaseThe little gardener is prepared for her entry into the great world, and listens to the instructions of her guardianThe hunters’ returnGreat amazement of Thaddeus—A second meeting in the Temple of Meditation and a reconciliation made easy by the mediation of antsConversation at table about the huntThe Seneschal’s tale of Rejtan and the Prince de Nassau interruptedPreliminaries of peace between the two factions also interruptedApparition with a keyThe brawlThe Count and Gerwazy hold a council of war.

This duel made a great stir, and in those days they sang songs about it. I was their second; how everything came to pass—I will tell you the whole story from the beginning.” Before the Seneschal began to speak, Gerwazy had settled the dispute.

Sprinkler, free once more, cast his eyes about, stretched out his hands, sought for a weapon, shouted for a weapon; meanwhile he brandished his fists, standing his ground manfully, but keeping close to the side of Gerwazy, until he caught sight of his son Buzzard in the press.

The eloquence of the universally beloved Jankiel touched the hearts of his hearers; there arose cries and exclamations of joy; the murmur of approbation was even spreading beyond the house, when Gerwazy aimed his penknife at Jankiel. The Jew jumped down and disappeared in the crowd; the Warden shouted:— “Begone, Jew, don’t stick your fingers into the door; this is not your business!

He planned to save himself by silence; he closed his eyes as if he were asleep, slowly stretched out his arms and legs, held his breath, and contracted his belly and his chest to the utmost; then suddenly he grew short, puffed himself out, and doubled up: as a serpent, when it hides its head and tail in its coils, so Gerwazy became short and thick instead of long.