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The sinister-looking man with the scar came in again and sniffed. I sniffed. Then the proprietor came in and sniffed. "Say," I said in the toughest voice I could assume, "you got a leak. Wait. I seen the gas company wagon on the next block when I came in. I'll get the man." I dashed out and hurried up the street to the place where Kennedy was waiting impatiently.

If the experiment succeeds, Quiquendone will be the first town in Flanders to be lighted with the oxy What is the gas called?" "Oxyhydric gas." "Well, oxyhydric gas, then." At this moment the door opened, and Lotchè came in to tell the burgomaster that his supper was ready.

On the Saturday morning before the Tuesday of election there was a conference in the directors' room of the Corn National. The city reeked with smoke and acrid, stale gas, the electric lights were turned on to dispel the November gloom. It was not a cheerful conference, nor a confident one.

Tommy made up a grim bundle to go through the Tube with him: the sub-machine gun, extra drums of shells, more gas bombs and half a dozen grenades. He hung the various objects about himself. Evelyn watched him miserably. "You you'll be careful, Tommy?" "Nothing else but," said Tommy. He grinned reassuringly. "There's nothing to it, really. Just sitting still, listening.

I was a-visitin' once in a city house, and slept in a room on the top floor, and there was a leak in the pipe in the cellar, and that gas just went over the whole house, into every room and closet, and even under the beds, and I've often thought that that was just like Peter's way of doin' things and knowin' things.

Only, on seeing how gaily the evening began, the retired petty tradesmen who had taken their wives out for a stroll wagged their heads, and repeated that there would be any number of drunken men in Paris that night. And the night stretched very dark, dead-like and icy, above this revelry, perforated only with lines of gas lamps extending to the four corners of heaven.

"There is no greater fraud on the earth than this peppermint test for sewer gas. I had a house to rent, years ago, and was ruined by peppermint.

Carr rolled the thread back on the spool, stuck the needle into the last buttonhole, and folding the infant's dress on which she was working, laid it away in her straw work-basket. "Will you light the gas, Gabriella?" "Don't work any more to-night, mother. It is almost supper time." Without replying, Mrs. Carr moved with her basket to a chair under the chandelier.

After Hill 60, Ypres, where shrapnel and poison gas put an end to my soldiering days I am afraid for ever. To come back to our first arrival at Armentières, our position was in touch with a small village not marked on the map, in the direction of Houplines.

I have forgotten all about the elephant! I know he was to be in this story, somewhere, but there's no room now, so I'll have to put him in the next one, which will be about Flop and the bag of meal that is, if the clothes-basket doesn't fall on the gas stove and make the rice pudding go down the cellar to hide away from the rag doll.