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He licked his lips, and fixed his eye upon it with a longing look. "Be Gorra," said he, "that's fine stuff entirely. Will you lave me the bottle?" "No," said the Fairy-man, "but I'll call an' give you a little of it wanst a day." "Ay do," replied Phelim; "the divil a fear o' me, if I get enough of it. I hope I'll see you often."

The injury, which, if not counteracted by a charm from the lips of a "Fairy-man," or "Fairy-woman," was uniformly inflicted on the animal by what was termed an elf-stone which was nothing more nor less than a piece of sharp flint, from three to four or five ounces in weight.

'Go into your bedroom, Katty, said the fairy-man, 'and see if there's anything left on the bed! She did so, and they soon heard a cry of joy, and Katty was among them in a moment, kissing and hugging her own healthy-looking child, who was waking and rubbing his eyes, and wondering at the lights and all the eager faces."

Larry laid his finger along his nose, as he had been desired; and this appearing to satisfy the fairy-man, he waved his hand to the door, thus intimating that his visitor should depart; which he did immediately, but not without observing that this wild-looking being closed and bolted the door after him.

Clear out, both of ye, till I begin my pisthrogues wid the sick child. Clear out, I say." With some degree of apprehension, Larry and Sheelah left the house as they had been ordered, and the Fairy-man having pulled out a flask of poteen, administered a dose of it to Phelim; and never yet did patient receive his medicine with such a relish.

"It was then the fairy-man and the fairy-woman began talking, and I heard every word they said, as no doubt they meant I should. 'What'll we do with the little beast at all? says she. "'We'll do something that's not too unpleasant at first, says he. 'We'll take him and hold his head under the water, and see will that drive any of the devilment out of him. "'Oh, the thief! says she.

Then the "fairy-man" of the village, who was keeping watch with the family, heated a pair of tongs red-hot, and with deafening shouts all burst at once into the sick-chamber. The music had ceased and the room was empty, but in at the window glared a fiendish face, with such fearful looks of hatred, that for a moment all stood motionless with terror.

"It is very good of you, dear Herbert," said Caroline, while their mamma paused to look at her children. "I was just coming to arrange them, when I find you, like that kind fairy-man in my new book, setting everything in order."

"Whisht," said the fairy-man, "they're here; you mustn't open your lips while you're in the house. I know what you want, an' will see your son. Do you hear anything more? If you do, lay your forefinger along your nose; but don't spake." Larry heard with astonishment, the music of a pair of bagpipes.

But when the fairy-man, recovering himself, advanced with the hot tongs to pinch its nose, it vanished with an unearthly yell, and there on the bed was Rickard, safe and sound, and cured of his epilepsy.