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This was one of the most successful acts of usurpation recorded in modern history. It has its parallels, I know; but I cannot now stop to comment on them, or on my own folly and precipitation. I was as firmly fixed behind the carriage, as Bonaparte was on the throne of France after the battle of Eylau.

Generals d'Hautpoult, Corbineau, and Boursier were mortally wounded at Eylau; and it seems to me I can still hear the brave d'Hautpoult saying to his Majesty, just as he dashed off at a gallop to charge the enemy: "Sire, you will now see my great claws; they will pierce through the enemy's squares as if they were butter" An hour after he was no more.

You will hear a good deal of nonsense about the battle of Eylau; the bulletin tells everything; its report of the losses is rather exaggerated than cut down." At the same time he somewhat reproved his wife: "I am sorry to hear that there is a renewal of the mischievous talk such as there was in your drawing-room at Mayence; put a stop to it. I shall be much annoyed if you don't find some clue.

After the battle of Eylau I received a despatch from M. de Talleyrand, to which was added an account in French of that memorable battle, which was more fatal to the conqueror than to the other party, I cannot say the conquered in speaking of the Russians, the more especially when I recollect the precautions which were then taken throughout Germany to make known the French before the Russian version.

Your last hour has come! Prepare to stand before your Judge!" "Ay, you will kill me, then, beautiful lady?" asked Napoleon, sneeringly. "You will revenge the defeats I have inflicted on the descendants of Burgrave Albert the Handsome, on the battle-fields of Jena, Eylau, and Friedland?

Conditions in France and Germany The Campaign in Italy The Victory at Marengo Moreau at Hohenlinden The Consul made Emperor The Code Napoleon Campaign of 1805 Battle of Austerlitz The Conquest of Prussia The Invasion of Poland Eylau and Friedland Campaign of 1809 Victory at Wagram The Campaign in Spain The Invasion of Russia A Fatal Retreat Dresden and Leipzig The Hundred Days The Congress of Vienna The Holy Alliance

It seemed that the muscles of the part had become sensitive, and had suffered much from cold while I was lying unconscious on the field of Eylau; thence had resulted a swelling which explained the difficulty experienced by the soldier in dragging off my right boot. The foot was frost-bitten, and as it had not been treated in time, gangrene had appeared in the site of the old wound from the foil.

Ney's horse is killed under him the fifth to-day but he quickly extricates himself from saddle and stirrups and continues on his way on foot, sword in hand the sword that conquered at Austerlitz, at Eylau and at Moskowa. Round him the grenadiers of the Old Guard they with the fur bonnets and the grizzled moustaches tighten up their ranks.

"I never was so much struck with anything in my life," said General Bertrand at St. Helena, "as by the Emperor at Eylau when he was almost trodden under foot by the Russian column. He kept his ground as the Russians advanced, saying frequently, 'What boldness." But, when all around him trembled, and Berthier ordered up the horses as if for retreat, he himself quietly signalled for his Guards.

Either leader claimed the victory; Bennigsen exhibiting as proof of his success the twelve eagles which his army, admitted to be inferior in numbers, bore off the field: Buonaparte, that he kept possession of the field, while the enemy retired, the very night after the battle, from Eylau towards Konigsberg.