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He had been so long expatriated, had loitered so long in the primrose path of daily sleep and nightly revel, had fallen so far, that he little realised how the fiery wheels of Death were spinning in France, or how black was the torment of her people. His face turned scarlet as the thing came home to him now.

If those who, like Miss Somerville, love Ireland's yesterday and desire to link it up with a worthy to-morrow, there must be a wider understanding of Ireland, not in the North only, but in that element of the South and West which stands to-day in a sense morally expatriated. The Irish gentry who complain that their tenants "deserted" them must learn where they themselves failed their tenants.

From the inhuman manner in which England has, for seven centuries preyed upon the vitals of Ireland, and plundered and expatriated her children, the latter are morally absolved from all allegiance or fidelity to her, no matter what the circumstances of their plighted faith.

Lawson was cruelly murdered by the Tuscaroras. Gilbert Imlay, born about 1755 in New Jersey of Scottish parents, was the first Kentucky novelist, author of "The History of an Expatriated Family" , etc. His ancestor emigrated from Dumbartonshire to Ulster along with the ancestor of J.C. Calhoun. The ancestors of both remained two generations in Ulster before coming to America.

You are talking of authors that lived long before my time, and wrote either in Latin or French, so that they in a manner expatriated themselves, and deserved to be forgotten;* but I, sir, was ushered into the world from the press of the renowned Wynkyn de Worde.

It is not in accordance with the American doctrine of "Home Rule" that "Home Rule" of any sort for Ireland should be organised in New York or in Chicago by expatriated Irishmen. No man had a keener or more accurate sense of this than the most eloquent and illustrious Irishman whose voice was ever heard in America.

Of course if it is and love is listed as an intoxicant, the blind god will be expatriated for the benefit of the makers of Peruna, Hostetter's Bitters and and other palate ticklers, popular only at blind tigers. Why the deuce didn't the Seymourites set to work and settle this vexatious problem for themselves?

For I have violently broken forth from those bounds which God in His wisdom did set." I pressed his hand, and with bowed head went back to my station, profoundly struck by the truth of what he had spoken. Though he fought under the flag of freedom, the curse of the expatriated was upon his head.

Therefore the simply noble mind of Mary thought more of the real nobility that might dwell in the soul of this expatriated son of that country than of the possible appendages of rank he might have left there. With her mind full of these reflections, she awaited the farce without observing it when it appeared.

Mounser Green has consented to be expatriated for the good of his country." "You going to Patagonia!" said Currie. "You're chaffing," said Glossop. "I never was so shot in my life," said Hoffmann. "It's true, my dear boys." "I never was so sorry for anything in all my born days," said Glossop, almost crying. "Why on earth should you go to Patagonia?" "Patagonia!" ejaculated Currie.