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Present-legs' and every fiend there fell flat on his face and raised his right leg up behind I tell you, Sir, I fled for my life, and no more liquor for me." ... When ex-Colonel Dearman heard any reference to this mystery he roared with laughter but it was the Last Muster of the fine and far-famed Gungapur Fusiliers, as such. "Malet-Marsac you can certainly have," replied Sir Arthur Barnet.

After having spent his fortune with an incalculable number of women, he had only retained two mistresses, with whom he was living in small apartments in the Rue des Martyrs. "An ex-peer of France and ex-colonel of cavalry, it was said that he believed in neither God nor devil.

Father d'Aigrigny, pale as death, ground his teeth in a kind of fury at the very idea of such an insult, while Rodin, who had no doubt his object in asking the question, raised his flabby eyelids, and seemed to watch attentively the significant symptoms revealed in the agitated countenance of the ex-colonel.

Besides, Monsieur de Fischtaminel is good looking for a man of thirty-six years; he received the cross of the Legion of Honor from Napoleon upon the field of battle, he is an ex-colonel, and had it not been for the Restoration, which put him upon half-pay, he would be a general. These are certainly extenuating circumstances.

Up jumped his ATS driver and said, "Here I am, Sir." :"No, no, not you dear," said the brigadier, "I means the 'at wot I wears on me 'ead." Many years later this story was confirmed, word for word, by an ex-colonel who had also been present.

What can't a man do in two years? Especially when he becomes a high personage, a great General full of honours and decorations." "The gods of peace have arrived, my little Elodie," said he with a touch of bitterness, "and the little half-gods of war are eclipsed. If we go to a restaurant there's no reason why the waiter with his napkin under his arm shouldn't be an ex-colonel of Zouaves.

To marry under such circumstances was perhaps something of an imprudence, for my father had nothing but his pension, while his bride sixteen years his junior had nothing but her trousseau; but the pair turned a deaf ear to all advice and remonstrance, with the result just mentioned, when of course it became more imperatively necessary than ever for the ex-colonel to discover some means of earning a living, especially as I was born within a year of the date of the marriage.

Square in front of the fire, dreamily puffing at his cigar and apparently studying the merits of a painting hanging behind him, and on the reflected image of which in the mirror before him his eyes lazily rested, sat Cyril Lethbridge, ex-colonel of the Royal Engineers, a successful gold-seeker, and almost everything else to which a spice of adventure could possibly attach itself.

It is to me compensation for many of the ills of life to see her now and then put out a small kid boot, which fits like a glove, and set herself going. Who is she, and what is her name? Her name is Daw. Only daughter if Mr. Richard W. Daw, ex-colonel and banker. Mother dead. One brother at Harvard, elder brother killed at the battle of Fair Oaks, ten years ago. Old, rich family, the Daws.

It was found upon examination that the ex-colonel had made a really splendid shot, his bullet having struck the creature fair in the centre of the back of the skull, and passed out through the left eye.