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Those ducks of late had been all definitely painters, etchers, or sculptors, so that her impatience with the Forsytes and their hopelessly inartistic outlook had become intense. Indeed, she had almost ceased to believe that her family existed, and looked round her now with a sort of challenging directness which brought exquisite discomfort to the roomful.

After working as an artist in the Highlands with his wife, who was a Frenchwoman, he settled in France, and devoted himself to writing on art. Among his works are Etching and Etchers, etc. , Painting in France after the Decline of Classicism , The Intellectual Life , Human Intercourse , The Graphic Arts , Landscape , some of which were magnificently illustrated. He also left an autobiography.

Once rid of the perturbation occasioned by the affair of the election, Mr. Hamerton was free to devote himself energetically to the preparation of a new and splendid edition of "Etching and Etchers," for which he spared neither thought nor pains, being generously entrusted by Messrs. Macmillan with the necessary funds, and given carte blanche for the arrangement. Mr.

Although his appreciation of Constable was high, it could not be compared to what he felt for Turner, because "Turner was so wide in range that he was the opposite of Constable, whose art was the expression of intense affection for one locality." Third edition of "Etching and Etchers." Kew. "The Graphic Arts." "Human Intercourse."

Plan of "Etching and Etchers." New friends in London. Etchings exhibited at the Royal Academy. Serious illness in London. George Eliot. Professor Seeley. NOT to waste his time in the work of removal and fitting up, Mr. Hamerton remained behind at Sens, to finish the copying of a window by Jean Cousin in the cathedral and some other drawings, begun to illustrate an article on this artist.

Thiselton Dyer, now Director of Kew Gardens, and his wife, the daughter of Sir John Hooker a most charming person, who reminded both of us of the lovely women immortalized by Reynolds. The third edition of "Etching and Etchers," now on sale, had fulfilled all expectations, and was universally admired and praised.

He was a man of genius, one of the greatest etchers and lithographers of his century, an artist with an intense personal line, a colossal workman and versatile inventor why has he been passed over and inferior men praised? His pornographic plates cannot be the only reason, because his representative work is free from licence or suggestion.

Etching in all its forms was pursued at the same time with lithography and photography; even a new kind of transparent etching ground was invented by Mr. Hamerton, which made it possible for etchers to see the work already done upon a plate after having it grounded again for correction or additional work. A strange incident occurred during this winter.

Roberts Brothers expressed a wish that he would reserve the publications in book form to their firm, which had done so much for his reputation. At the beginning of April he heard from Boston that they were printing the sixth thousand of the "Intellectual Life," and had written to Messrs. Macmillan that they were willing to unite in bringing out a new edition of "Etching and Etchers."

Imitation has been called the bane of originality; suppress it as a factor, and nine-tenths of living painters, sculptors, etchers would have to shut up shop. The stencil is the support of many men who otherwise might have become useful citizens, shoemakers, tailors, policemen, or vice-presidents. For this reason the phrase "academic" should be more elastic in its meanings.