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There were times, of course, when he could be most engagingly pleasant.

"Didn't pan out quite so rich this week, eh?" said the clerk engagingly. "No," returned See Yup impassively; "next time he payee more." When the third Saturday came, with the appearance of See Yup and four hundred and fifty dollars' worth of gold-dust, the clerk felt he was no longer bound to keep the secret.

"I'll tell you what," he said, laughing engagingly, "the best thing to be done with that tooth is to dress it with carbolic acid. Now this is a secret." "One of those that only a few don't know, I suppose." "Perhaps so," he said, laughing still more pleasantly. "You can do this tooth just as well as I can.

That is, unless you Leaguers stop all forms of amusement but tit-tat-toe and puss-in-the-corner." Mr. Mix smiled feebly. "One expects to be rallied for one's convictions." Henry nodded, engagingly. "I certainly got rallied enough for mine. That justice of the peace rallied me for twenty-five to start with, and followed it up with twenty more.... But if you want my opinion, Mr.

It defined in a very original and profound manner several undisputable principles, and was so engagingly subtle in its manner of expression that the most superficial person was irresistibly thrown into a deep inward contemplation upon reading it.

"Well, since you ask," said Ravenslee, shaking languid head, "I should scarcely class you as a 'bud' myself. No I should say you were perhaps just a trifle er overblown. But have it your own way!" and Mr. Ravenslee smiled engagingly. "Where's Spike?" demanded M'Ginnis, his tone a little gruffer, "and say you can cut out the comedy, see? Nix on the funny business."

"No, but I am profoundly moved by the sad beauty of it; and by the fact that perhaps Poe got his refrain of 'nevermore' for his Raven as a reminiscence from it." She laughed engagingly with feminine inconsequence and stooped down to recover a slight, silver bracelet that had slipped off over one of her small hands. I caught a brief glimpse of the white division of her breasts as she stooped over.

Helen liked him for liking her country, for she had true Western pride for her birthplace. So she said the natural thing, though without display of pride. "Everybody likes it down here." He looked at her hesitatingly. "You're not from the outside, then?" "No," she rejoined. "I am a native." He showed restless curiosity now. "Tell me," he began, engagingly, "about this country.

The world he sets before us so engagingly has its care for purity, its cleanly preferences, in what one is to SEE in the outsides of things-and there is something, a sign, a memento, at the least, of what makes life really valuable, even in that. There, is my simple notion, wholly womanly perhaps, but which I may hold by, of the purpose of the arts. August 1717. And yet!

James was in excellent spirits, and Isabella most engagingly placid. Her tenderness for her friend seemed rather the first feeling of her heart; but that at such a moment was allowable; and once she gave her lover a flat contradiction, and once she drew back her hand; but Catherine remembered Henry's instructions, and placed it all to judicious affection.