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A plan for promoting the immigration of the Irish Roman Catholics living near Cape Breton never got beyond the stage of official memoranda. Thus the population of the new capital consisted only of government employees, French fishermen from Newfoundland and other neighbouring places, waifs and strays from points farther off, bounty-fed engages from France, and a swarm of camp-following traders.

On Jan. 12, 1910, a bill was introduced in the House of Representatives to check the "White Slave Traffic" by providing a penalty of ten years' imprisonment and a fine of five thousand dollars for any one who engages in it. In some it is even lower; ten in Georgia and Mississippi for example. In Collier's Weekly, Feb. 5, 1910.

The Chinese Government engages, in the interest of trade and for the residence of foreigners, to open by China herself as soon as possible certain suitable places in the Province of Shantung as Commercial Ports.

As many as a thousand boats, with crews of thirty thousand men, are engaged in the industry. The owner of each boat engages a number of divers, who work for him, and he sells his pearls to the Indian markets. The diver seldom goes down to a greater depth than seven fathoms, and remains at most fifty seconds under water.

The story is that there was once an emperor, very fond of new clothes. And to him came two tailors, who promised to make him some extraordinary clothes. The emperor engages them and they begin to sew at them, but they explain that the clothes have the extraordinary property of remaining invisible to anyone who is unfit for his position.

Then the medium, in an assumed voice, engages in a miscellaneous talk, ending with a request that some one sit by her and hold her hand. A skeptic is permitted to do that. When thus placed, skeptic is directly between the medium and her husband, and with his back to the latter.

The housewife has not time to form habits of her own; she engages a maid and expects her to fall at once into the family ways, when the family has no ways. In the sociological sense, shelter may mean protection from noise, from too close contact with other human beings, enemies only in the sense of depriving us of valuable nerve-force.

Yet let any plain, honest man, before he engages in any course of action, ask himself, Is this I am going about right, or is it wrong? Is it good, or is it evil? I do not in the least doubt but that this question would be answered agreeably to truth and virtue, by almost any fair man in almost any circumstance.

"My dear, he charges a thousand dollars a night to leave New York and play for anyone!" "Well? what if it were two thousand ten thousand? I will have him. Tell Ishmael to write to him at once." "Very well, my dear. You are spending your own money, remember." "Who cares? I will be the only one who engages Dureezie's famous music. And, Aunt Middleton?" "Well, my dear?"

"Just as I said," declared Mrs. Reeves. "Vicky often goes away for days at a time." "Shure she does that. Miss Van Allen is here to-day an' gone to-morrow, but Miss Julie she looks after me wurruk, so she does." "She engages you when you are needed?" I asked. "Yes, sir. They's a tillyphone in me husband's shop, an' if anny wan calls me, he lets me know."