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You've got a marrying face!" she said shrewdly, whereupon Mary, blushing, acknowledged that she had a friend, and that he did speak of early next spring. "Told you so!" cried Cornelia, dimpling. "Well, Mury, see here, you nip round and wait upon me the best you know, and I'll give you an elegant present! I wear muslins most all the time in summer, and I can't endoor to have them mussed.

The sight o' you, single-handed, meetin' and annihilatin' the pride of the Mexican navy, calm in th' moment o' despair, generous in victory and delicate as blazes to a fallen shipmate, goin' to work an' namin' your vessel after him that way, is somethin' that wipes away all sorrer and welds a friendship that's bound to endoor till death us do part.

It began long long before him, and it's be hoped will endoor longs the time after, if the world's not coming to rack wishin' him no harm." Now Mrs. Berry only put Lady Blandish's thoughts in bad English. The lady took upon herself seriously to advise Richard to send for his wife. He wrote, bidding her come. Lucy, however, had wits, and inexperienced wits are as a little knowledge.

Geoffrey, this day it behooveth us all t' think of our souls an' th' hereafter, I reckon." "Souls?" said Ravenslee, staring in his turn. "Fire," she continued, shaking portentous head, "fire I'm prepared for; a earthquake I could endoor; battle, murder, and sudden death I could abide; poverty is me lot, Mr.

Blows an' boots an' whips an' insults injury, outrage, an' oppression. I would not endoor the degradin' badges o' servitood that connect us with the buggy an' the farm-wagon." "It's amazin' difficult to draw a buggy 'thout traces er collar er breast-strap er somefin'," said Marcus. "A Power-machine for sawin' wood is most the only thing there's no straps to.

I couldn't rest easy in my bed, for fear you went home and did away with Mr Greville, for making you drive me home. I never supposed I should live to endoor the degradation of having a man do things for me against his will, but I had to come to England to find my mistake. And then you sit there and accuse me of disliking you! Well!!!"

It began long long before him, and it's be hoped will endoor longs the time after, if the world's not coming to rack wishin' him no harm." Now Mrs. Berry only put Lady Blandish's thoughts in bad English. The lady took upon herself seriously to advise Richard to send for his wife. He wrote, bidding her come. Lucy, however, had wits, and inexperienced wits are as a little knowledge.

Blows an' boots an' whips an' insults injury, outrage, an' oppression. I would not endoor the degradin' badges o' servitood that connect us with the buggy an' the farm-wagon." "It's amazin' difficult to draw a buggy 'thout traces er collar er breast-strap er somefin'," said Marcus. "A Power-machine for sawin' wood is most the only thing there's no straps to.

Peregrine wants me to teach him to fight an' you can't teach that to any man by tapping him, d'ye see." "But, then, Jessamy," said the Tinker, with his twinkling, bright eyes on Diana, "Peregrine ain't exactly a Milo o' Crete as had a habit o' slayin' oxen wi' a blow of his fist; Peregrine's delicate frame could never endoor real good, hard knocks " "But it could, Jerry!" exclaimed Diana.

At last he felt he cood endoor it no longer, without ingoory to his helth. He put his hed out of his strong hold and sed to the amazed offisser, "I think the draft will doo me good I mean the draft of are." "You air in favor of the Proclamashun!" red the offisser. "Yis, and of ventilation." The young man was not drafted, but he is still single single-ar to say.