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With such men, who could wish that wife, sister, or daughter should associate? But I venture to say that this opinion, which I believe to be common, is erroneous, and that men who hunt are not more iniquitous than men who go out fishing, or play dominoes, or dig in their gardens.

I can't tell you that; but we might find out the reason. Don't mix me up in all this; I could do nothing to help you if the others distrusted me. Instead of annoying Ursula I will defend her; instead of serving Minoret I will try to defeat his schemes. I live only to ruin him, to destroy him I'll crush him under foot, I'll dance on his carcass, I'll make his bones into dominoes!

But it is better because it is a protection against hustling, not a promotion of it. In other words, it is better because it is more civilised; as a great Venetian merchant prince clad in cloth of gold was more civilised; or an old English merchant drinking port in an oak-panelled room was more civilised; or a little French shopkeeper shutting up his shop to play dominoes is more civilised.

I had just gained the landing-place, to which I had been directed by a gentleman, who wore some order of merit upon his ankles, and who kindly offered me a box of dominoes for sale, when I saw a twelve-oared barge pull in among the other boats that were waiting there.

While I deplore the necessity of war, yet I know in our Army many of the noblest types of manhood, whose acquaintance I prize most highly. I enjoy all games, too, from chess down to dominoes. There is so much that is sad and stern in life that we need sometimes to lay down its burdens and indulge in innocent amusements. Thus, you see, what is wise from my standpoint is unwise from yours.

Or along with Pao-yue, Pao-ch'ai and the other young ladies, they amused themselves by playing the game of war or dominoes. Madame Wang and lady Feng had one day after another their hands full with the invitations they had to issue for the new year wine.

The servant was released. You see that the guilty are always punished." Grivet triumphed. Olivier sneered. "Then, they put the magpie in prison," said he. "That is not what M. Grivet meant to say," answered Camille, annoyed to see his chief turned into ridicule. "Mother, give us the dominoes."

The dominoes and draught-boards had been forgotten; Margaret put them on the table in the centre of the room. And then, satisfied that all was right, she took up her position again behind the counter. She was to be responsible for the serving of the tea and coffee; the men helped themselves to the contents of the plates.

If you were half-nice, you'd think you ought to tell me about yours." Patricia's voice sounded grieved, and Arabella wavered. Ought she to tell? She knew she ought not, but Patricia urged again. "And I was going to say we could each wear a blue ribbon on the third buttonhole of our dominoes, so we'd know each other the minute we got there.

When we returned here everybody kept saying, 'the captain, the captain. If I want the carriage 'the captain. Is there a bill to pay 'the captain. If my horse is not properly bitted, they must speak to Captain Paz. In short, it is like a game of dominoes Paz is everywhere. I hear of nothing but Paz, but I never see Paz. Who and what is Paz? Why don't you bring forth your Paz?"