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"Gentleman, indeed," exclaimed Philip, "nothing short of that will sarve him, shure. To be depinded on, Bat! Why, thin, its more than I'd like to say. Howanever, he's as far in, an' farther than we are." "There's no use in our quarrelin' wid him," said Phats, in his natural manner. "If he's in our power, we're in his; an' you know he could soon make the counthry too hot to hold us.

"Sure an' the weather an' me's as loike as two peas the day. We're nayther of us to be depinded on, so we ain't, not knowin' what we want. Look at my clothes not dryin' an' me a-frettin'. What's the use of it all? Let Pat do as he will, I'll think no more of it." The little woman was capable.

"I niver knew befure how little it depinded on. There's Grogan th' banker. He's a great man. Look at his bank. It looks as though an earthquake wudden't flutter it. It's a cross between an armory an' a jail. It frowns down upon th' sthreet. An' Grogan. He looks as solid as though th' columns iv th' building was quarried out iv him.

'That's th' best I can say about it, says he. 'Did ye not glide noiselessly through th' wather? says I? 'I did not, says he. 'Divvle th' glide. We bumped along pretty fast an' th' injines made noises like injines an' th' ship creaked like anny ship. 'An' wasn't th' food fine? 'It depinded on th' weather.

Instead o' that the bank broke me, and yet I believe me system was correct enough, and I must have won if I had had more capital." "There is many says dat," grunted Von Baumser doubtfully. "I believe it for all that," the major continued. "Why, man, I was always the luckiest chap at cards. I depinded on me skill principally, but still I had luck as well.

"'And I believe, says Father Corrigan, 'if you depinded for your feeding upon your divinity instead of your jokes, you'd be as poor as a man in the last stage of a consumption. "This drew the laugh against the friar, who smiled himself; but he was a dry man that never laughed much.

Buckley, says he, 'what's the news? 'Be dhe husth, says I, 'before I sell you the chickens, let me ax is the Cooleen Bawn at home? 'She is, says he, lookin' me sharp and straight in the face; 'do you want her? 'I would like to see her, says I, 'for a minute or two. 'Ay, says he, back agin to me, 'you have a message and you know besides that she never buys chickens; that's my business. 'But, says I, back agin, 'I was tould by him that you were faithful, and could be depinded on. 'Ay, says he; 'but I thought he had left the counthry. 'Troth, then, says I, 'he's to the fore still, and won't lave the counthry till he sees her wanst more, at all events. 'Have you a letther? 'Betherahin, says I, 'could you let me see her; for he tould me to say to her that she is not, to indite letthers to him, for fraid of discovery. 'Well, says he, 'as the master's at home, I'll have some difficulty in spakin' to her.

I got it this morning about that too. I depinded on John Williams to bring the flax from O'Flaharty's this day week, and he forgot it; and she says I ought to have brought it myself, and I close to the spot. But where's the good? says I; sure, he'll bring it next time. "'I suppose, Shane, you will soon move into the new cottage at Churn Hill?