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You said something, didn't you?" muttered Dunn, beginning to think that, after all, Deede Dawson's presence here was due to accident or rather to his unceasing and unfailing watchfulness, and not to any treachery of Ella's. "Yes, I did, didn't I?" he agreed pleasantly.

Deede Dawson said, a little surprised. "Yes, sir," Dunn answered. "We always find out as much as we can about a crib before we get to work." "I see," said Mr. Dawson. "Very praiseworthy. Attention to business and all that. Pray, what did you find out about me?" "Only as you was to be away tonight, sir," answered Dunn.

"Dunn, dare you play a big game for big stakes?" "Try me," said Dunn. "If I showed you," Deede Dawson's voice sank to a whisper, "if I showed you a pretty girl for a wife a fortune to win what would you say?" "Try me," said Dunn again, and then, making his voice as low and hoarse as was Dunn's, he asked: "Is it Clive?" "Later perhaps," answered Deede Dawson. "There's some one else first.

There was no answer to his call, but after a minute or two there was the sound of a motor-car engine starting and then a big car came gliding forward and stopped in front of them, driven by a form so muffled in coats and coverings as to be indistinguishable in that faint light. "Put the case inside," Deede Dawson said. "I'll help you."

The weight of the thing taxed even his great strength to the utmost, but he managed it somehow, and bending beneath his burden, he descended the stairs to the hall and then, following the orders Deede Dawson gave him from behind, out into the open air.

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At breakfast Deede Dawson had assured her that he could not conceive what were the suspicions she had referred to the night previously, and while he would certainly have no objection to her mentioning them at any time, in any quarter she thought fit if anything happened at Wreste Abbey and would indeed be the first to urge her to do so he, for his part, considered it most unlikely that anything of the sort she seemed to dread would in fact occur.

"But you are a working gardener taken on out of charity to give you a chance and keep you out of gaol, and you are looking a little high when you think of your master's ward and daughter, aren't you?" "There was a time when I shouldn't have thought so," answered Dunn. "We're talking of the present, my good man," Deede Dawson said impatiently. "If you want the girl you must win her.

"Yes," answered Deede Dawson. "Much the same." "I shall want to see for myself," said Dunn. "I'm a trustful sort of person, but I don't go driving about the country with packing-cases late at night unless I've seen for myself what's inside." "Very wise of you," yawned Deede Dawson. "That's just what Ella said what's that?"

He saw that the unexpected confirmation of his warning Clive had thus received from Deede Dawson's own lips had rendered his task of convincing Clive immensely more easy.