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"Those small circles," pointing to the forty-foot hour and declination circles which Seaton had thought the ultimate in precise measurement of angular magnitudes, "are of course useless.

From this date may be traced the declination of Napoleon's greatness. In the field he was generally unsuccessful, and occasionally murmurs of discontent were whispered by citizen and soldier. The plot thickens in the eight volume, and his abdication of the throne of France, and subsequent journey to Elba, are feelingly narrated by our author.

It was not until after the Declaration of Independence by the Congress, the wild enthusiasm it excited throughout the colonies, and the repeated declination of Washington to confer with Howe as a private citizen, that our Chief received word the British Commander was landing troops on Long Island, near Gravesend.

Immense hour and declination circles could be read by optical systems from the operators' seats circles fully forty feet in diameter, graduated with incredible delicacy and accuracy into decimal fractions of seconds of arc, and each driven by variable-speed motors through gear-trains and connections having no backlash whatever.

They depart from the River of Mindanao. Of the time lost or gain'd in sailing round the World: With a Caution to Seamen, about the allowance they are to take for difference of the Suns declination. The South Coast of Mindanao. Chambongo Town an Harbour with its Neighbouring Keys. Green Turtle. Ruins of a Spanish Fort. The Westermost point of Mindanao. Two Proes of the Sologues laden from Manila.

September, 31. d. Declination, 2. d. 56. m. 56. d. 4. m. Ouslona Monastery. Meridian altitude, 23. September, 30. d. 26. m. Declination, 2. d. 56. m. 55. d. 51. m. Tetuskagorod. Meridian altitude, 28. September, 28. d. 28. m. Declination, 5. d. 35. m. 55. d. 22. m. Oueek. Meridian altitude, 5. October, 30. d. 12. m. Declination, 8. d. 18. m. 51. d. 30. m. Astracan: Astracan meridian altitude, 22.

Two months are represented on each page, and opposite the number of each successive day of the month the position of the planet is given in hours, minutes, and seconds of right ascension, and degrees, minutes, and seconds of north and south declination, the sign + meaning north, and the sign south.

That you may not be compelled to hastily come to a conclusion, I will leave open for three days these propositions for your acceptance or declination, and in the meantime believe me, Yours very truly, Neither of these offers was accepted. In order that this may not rest on my unsupported assertion, I submit the following documents: The first is a letter from Mr. H.M. Backus, a brother of Mrs.

Thousands of the wealthy classes will regard them all as steps in the declination of the national power; while the more popular mind, that rarely troubles itself with large or profound views, has already registered its approval of them.

Sun 168 35 0 Diameter 0 32 0 1/2 169 7 0 84 33 30 Correct for refraction and parallax 4 84 33 26 Zenith Distance 5 26 34 Declination 19 31 25 Latitude 14 4 51 The breadth of the stream of the river Nerico is about sixty feet, the depth of water four feet, its velocity is two miles an hour. The heat of the stream at two o'clock 94 deg. Fahrenheit.