Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 25, 2024

By the third day, men who had not been off their backs for weeks crawled out of their bunks and tottered around on crutches. And on that day, the sun, two months then on its journey into northern declination, peeped cheerfully over the crest of the canyon for the first time. "Nary a potato," Shorty told the whining, begging Wentworth. "You ain't even touched with scurvy.

These, they say, live in a dark and woody country hardly penetrable by the sunbeams, the trees are so close and thick, extending into the interior as far as the Hercynian forest; and their position on the earth is under that part of heaven, where the pole is so elevated, that by the declination of the parallels, the zenith of the inhabitants seems to be but little distant from it; and that their days and nights being almost of an equal length, they divide their year into one of each.

The true latitude, 64. degrees, 54. minuts. The English house in Colmogro. The English house in Colmogro, in latitude, 64. d. 25. m. The meridian altitude there obserued, the 29. of Iuly, 42. d. 15. m. Recola. Meridian altitude the 30 of Iuly, 41. d. 40. m. Declination 16. d. 6. m. 64. d. 20. m. Yeegris. Meridian 4 of August, 41. d. 50. m. Declination Northerly, 14. d. 49. m. 62. d. 59. m.

October, 29. d. 36. m. Declination, 14. d. 16. m. 46. d. 10. m. Astracan: Meridian altitude, 1 of Nouember, 26. d. 35. m. Declination, 17. d. 16. m. 46. d. 9. m. Certaine directions giuen by M. Richard Hackluit of the Middle Temple, to M. Morgan Hubblethorne, Dier, sent into Persia, 1579.

Savely shook his head in declination, but Yakob took him under the arm, lifted him, and made him walk to the table. "Listen," said Sofya softly to Rybin. She was troubled and reproached him. "Why did you invite him here? He may die any minute." "He may," retorted Rybin. "Let him die among people. That's easier than to die alone. In the meantime let him speak. He lost his life for trifles.

I know that Jupiter is to be looked for about 30 m. east, or to the left, of that line. At the bottom and top of the chart, every twenty minutes of R.A. is indicated, so that it is easy, with the eye, or with the aid of a ruler, to place the vertical line at some point of which Jupiter is to be found. Then I consult my note of the declination of the planet.

Seward's reply conveying the declination of the United States to the invitation to coöperate with the three allied European powers in the demonstration against Mexico was dated December 4, 1861. After reviewing the substance of the convention, he said: First.

Do not trouble yourself with the seconds in either column, and take the minutes only when the number is large. The hours of right ascension and the degrees of declination are the main things to be noticed.

I would have sacrificed much to have been afforded means to comfort Isobel; a furious anger towards the man who thus deliberately had brought doubt and unhappiness upon her had taken up permanent quarters in my mind. I counted Coverly's declination to clear himself little better than the attitude of a cad.

As the equatorial rains take place in the flat country when the sun passes through the zenith of the place, that is, when its declination becomes homonymous with the zone comprised between the equator and one of the tropics, the waters of the Amazon sink, while those of the Orinoco rise perceptibly.

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