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It was just the thing, Herr Croll said, that he had been sure that Melmotte would do, should his difficulties ever become too great for him. 'And dere vas a leetle ting he lay himself open by de oder day, said Croll, 'dat vas nasty, very nasty. Nidderdale shook his head, but asked no questions.

Then Melmotte went a step farther, and explained that the only difficulty in reference to such a transaction would be that the signature of his daughter would be required to be corroborated by that of a witness before he could use it. Then he again looked up at Croll; but on this occasion Croll did not move a muscle of his face. There certainly was no assent.

Croll has given us the limits of highest glaciation covering the last three million years, and shows that there have been but two periods of superior eccentricity in that time, and can be only one in the next million years, with but two or three intervening maxima and minima that may, or may not have been, of any special value.

'Your papa had a lawyer, I suppose? 'I think he had ever so many, but I do not know who they were. His own clerk, who had lived with him for over twenty years, left him yesterday. I suppose they will know something in Abchurch Lane; but now that Herr Croll has gone I am not acquainted even with the name of one of them. Mr Miles Grendall used to be with him.

It was he knew too late to raise the money on that day, but he hoped that he might pave the way for getting it on the next day, which would be Thursday. Of course the first news which he heard was of the defection of Mr Cohenlupe. It was Croll who told him. He turned back, and his jaw fell, but at first he said nothing. 'It's a bad thing, said Mr Croll. 'Yes; it is bad.

She had, at any rate, her jewels, and Croll would probably be able to get some portion of all that money, which ought to be hers, if his affairs were made to be identical with her own. So she smiled upon Croll, and whispered to him; and when she had given Croll two glasses of Curaçao, which comforter she kept in her own hands, as safeguarded almost as the jewels, then Croll understood her.

'E ate so much that he became too fat to see to eat his vittels. It was thus that Herr Croll analysed the character of his late master. 'But Ma'me'selle, ah, she is different. She vill never eat too moch, but vill see to eat alvays. Thus too he analysed the character of his young mistress. At first things did not arrange themselves pleasantly between Madame Melmotte and Marie.

We have, however, recently learned from the observations of Ramsay, in the van of many excellent observers of Jukes, Geikie, Croll and others, that subaerial degradation is a much more important agency than coast-action, or the power of the waves.

What could she do with her money, and in what way would she shape her life, should she determine to remain her own mistress? Were she to refuse Fisker how should she begin? He would then be banished, and her only remaining friends, the only persons whose names she would even know in her own country, would be her father's widow and Herr Croll.

Cohenlupe had gone. Miles Grendall had gone. Croll had gone. He could hardly go to Cuthbert's Court and face Mr Brehgert! He would stay at home till it was time for him to go down to the House, and then he would face the world there.