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"But, along with this, Larry and Sally were great people for going to the dances that Hance used to have at the crass-roads, bekase he wished to put money into his own pocket; and if a neighbor died, they were sure to be the first at the wake-house for Sally was a great hand at washing down a corpse -and they would be the last home from the berril; for you know, they couldn't but be axed in to the dhrinking, after the friends would lave the churchyard, to take a sup to raise their spirits and drown sorrow, for grief is always drouthy.

So afther sittin a while, I bethought me that there wus to be a piper at the Crass-roads, an I was thin gettin morthul hungery; so sis I t'meeself I'll go dance the hunger off and so I did: an that wus the way I wus divartin meeself." Now, I have no doubt, that many an Irishman has danced the thought of hunger away as well as Jack.

From Flint House to the crass-roads it's straight as a dart, if you know yer way, with only one house twixt it till you come arver to it old Farmer Bardsley, who ain't got no wemmenfolk, so it's sartin she didn't come from theer. She wasn't a maa'iden from any of the farms of the moors, for I know them all. But it weren't till this marning that I got a kind of notion who she was.

Denis's uncle now interposed: "The horses," said he, "are at the door, an' time's passin'." "Och, thrue for you, Barny," said old Denis; "come, acushla, an' let me help you on your horse. We will go on quickly, as we're to meet Father Finnerty at the crass-roads." Denis then shook hands with them all, not forgetting honest Phadrick Murray, who exclaimed, as he bid him farewell, "Arrah!

"I'll tell your Reverence in a jiffy I ought to have a ten shillin', barring the price of a quarther o' tobaccy that I bought at the crass-roads boyant. Nine shillins an' somo hapuns, yer Reverence." "Very good, Pether, you must hand me the silver, till I give the rest of the illustration wid it." "But does your Reverence mind another ould proverb?

You have a bigger pair of your own nor I have ha, ha, ha!" "Well, in other words, pay attintion. Now, see this dot that's your own house." "Put a crass there," said Peter, "an' thin I'll know it's the Crass-roads." "Upon my reputation, you're right; an' that's what I call a good specimen of ingenuity. I'll take the hint from that, an' we'll make it a Hieroglyphical as well as a Geographical oath.

One of them I'll mintion: Dick Cuillenan, father to Paddy, that lives at the crass-roads, beyant Gunpowdher Lodge, was over head and ears in love with Jemmy Finigan's eldest daughter, Mary, then, sure enough, as purty a girl as you'd meet in a fair indeed, I think I'm looking at her, with her fair flaxen ringlets hanging over her shoulders, as she used to pass our house, going to mass of a Sunday.

I was waitin' at the crass-roads for old Garge to come along, when a young womon came up out of th' darkness and stood not far from me just by the ol' crass. I tried to maake out who she was, but it was too daark.