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Altering their course it was found the roar "kept away," indicating an unusually heavy sound. Pushing forward, thinking it must be the desired falls, they soon came out upon the river bank, with the water at their level. This proved the falls to be below them, and looking down they could be seen "smoking" about a mile distant.

Pace mihi liceat, coelestes, dicere vestra; Mortalis visust pulchrior esse deo-. The author of this epigram, Greek in its tone and inspired by Greek enthusiasm for art, was no less a man than the conqueror of the Cimbri, Quintus Lutatius Catulus, consul in 652. IV. XII. Course of Literature and Rhetoric

At another time when Dorian had a cold, and consequently, a loss of appetite, his mother urged him to eat more, saying that he must have strength to throw off his cold. "What is a cold?" he smilingly asked. "Why, a cold is a cold, of course, you silly boy." "What does it do to the activities of the body?" "I'm not a doctor; how can I tell."

It is a remarkable fact that such high hills as I have been following should send out no creek whose course extends farther than ten or twelve miles. I could trace the creek I am now on by its timber for only a few miles, its course appearing south of west.

As they walked: "Where did you go to church this morning, Peter?" she asked. He pointed to the campanile. "Over there," he said. "Then let's go together to-night," she said. "Do you mean it, Julie?" "Of course I do. I'm curious. Besides, it's Sunday, and I want to go to church." "But you'll miss dinner," objected Peter. "It begins at six-thirty."

Ben was here and Ben was in the bungalow and there was the purse. There was the chance, of course, that Marie was mistaken, but Marie did not make such mistakes as this. Then one of the two men was not Ben. She took out again the pocket-book she had found and stared at it as though in hope that she might receive her answer through this.

Neither can we here enter into a more particular consideration of the different kinds and forms of romantic poetry in general, but must return to our more immediate subject, which is dramatic art and literature. The division of this, as of the other departments of art, into the antique and the romantic, at once points out to us the course which we have to pursue.

And, of course, she'd tell him how pleased we were with the money!" "Yes, of course, of course. And to think she's met him really met him!" breathed Jane. "Mellicent!" She turned an excited face to her daughter, who had just entered the room. "What do you think? Aunt Flora's just had a letter from Aunt Maggie, and she's met Mr. Fulton actually TALKED with him!" "Really? Oh, how perfectly splendid!

Where the strata are very firm there is likely to be a narrow gorge, the steeps of which rise on either side with but slight alluvial plains; where the beds are soft the valley widens, perhaps again to contract where in the course of its descent it encounters another hard layer.

The river now took a south by west direction, for nearly two miles, a little narrower, but three fathoms deep throughout. Towards the latter part the banks were fringed with mangroves of a small and singularly even growth, resembling a clipped garden shrubbery. Our course again changed to south-east, entering the low range of hills bounding the south-eastern side of Whirlwind Plains.