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The Fenians now began to dream not merely of isolated outrages, but of an armed rising in Ireland; and, after consultation with the Fenian leaders in New York, Cluseret came to England with a view to organizing the insurrection. What then befell can be read in Lathair, where Cluseret is thinly disguised as "Captain Bruges," and also in his own narrative, published in Fraser's Magazine for 1872.

Subsequently he served the Turks; and lastly, during the presidency of M. Grévy, at a time of great dissatisfaction in France, he was elected a deputy from one of the Southern cities. By April 7, Cluseret had, as some one expresses it, "swallowed up the Commune."

From the balcony, Saignes announced that the Municipal Council was to be compelled to accept the program of the red proclamation of September 26 or to resign, and he proposed to name Cluseret general of the revolutionary army. He went there, it is true, but not to call to arms the national guards of that quarter.

He could not ride on horseback, and he drove out from Paris to the fight in which Flourens was killed. The official title of Cluseret and others, who were heads of the War Office during the Commune, was War Delegate, the committee refusing to recognize the usual title of Minister of War.

But I do not keep them for mere curiosity. Each of them is the Soul of the tribe to which it belongs. This, for example my Cluseret is the Soul of all the gray parrots; that that you see yonder Badinguet, I call him is the Soul of the hawks; this, my Mimi, is the Soul of the little yellow-crested kingfisher.

"I visited a lady of world-wide reputation, who gave me a history of the past months in Paris so brilliantly and epigrammatically that I was infinitely amused, and carried away the drollest impressions of L'Empire Cluseret; but her manner changed when I asked her what I should say to her friends in England. 'Tell them, she said, 'to fear everything, and to hope very little.

He was a delightful companion, beloved by artists, and a personal friend of Cluseret, who had caused his name to be put upon the list of the members of the Commune. The column of the Place Vendôme was one hundred and thirty-five feet high. It was on the model of Trajan's column at Rome, but one twelfth larger.

As to Cluseret, he behaved at once like an idiot and a coward. These two men left Lyons after their failure." Bakounin's so-called abolition of the State appealed to the humor of Marx.

But a competent General was exactly what the insurgents lacked; for Cluseret, having surveyed the whole situation with eyes trained by a lifelong experience of war, decided that the scheme was hopeless, and returned to Paris. Such were some for I have only mentioned a few of the incidents which made 1867 a memorable year. On my own memory it is stamped with a peculiar clearness.

Lullier had been a naval officer, but was dismissed the service for insubordination. In seven weeks the Commune had four successive heads of the War Department. General Eudes was the first: his rule lasted four days. Then came Cluseret; the Empire Cluseret lasted three weeks. Then Cluseret was imprisoned, and Rossel was in office for nine days, when he resigned.