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"You know the man?" "I do; or rather, I know a man who answers to this description. He comes here once in a while. I do not know whether or not he was in the building to-night, but Clausen can tell you; no one escapes Clausen's eye." "His name." "Brotherson. A very uncommon person in many respects; quite capable of such an eccentricity, but incapable, I should say, of crime.

Walter Sickert does not cause me to falter in this opinion. Until I saw Mr. Clausen's "Labourers" I did not fully realise how terrible a thing art becomes when divorced from beauty, grace, mystery, and suggestion. It would be difficult to say where and how this picture differs from a photograph; it seems to me to be little more than the vices of photography magnified.

"Because when you get him away from Cloud," said West, "Clausen's not a bad sort, you know." Richard Sproule was suspended for the balance of the fall term, and was no longer monitor of his floor. Perhaps the heaviest punishment was the amount of study he was required to do in order to return after Christmas recess, entailing as it did a total relinquishment of Mayne Reid, Scott, and Cooper.

But this season he's got a swelled head and thinks he doesn't have to play to keep his place; thinks it's mortgaged to him, you see. Remsen opened his eyes to-day, I guess! Whipple says Remsen called him down twice, and then told him if he didn't take a big brace he'd lose his position. Cloud got mad and told Clausen Clausen's his chum that if he went off the team he'd leave school.

But even as he looked Joel was delighted to see Clausen's legs move and hear his weak voice speaking to the professor. Then the boat was rowed in, the occupants panting with their hurried pull from the boathouse, and Joel clambered aboard, disdaining the proffered help of West and others, and Clausen was lifted to a seat in the bow.

"You see out in Iowa there isn't much chance for a chap to learn, and and so before this afternoon, Joel, I never swam a stroke in my life." Wallace Clausen's narrow escape from death and Joel's heroic rescue were nine-day wonders in the little world of the academy and village.

I wish they'd hurry up. We'll not get through the last round before dark if they don't finish soon. You'll go round with me, won't you?" "If the game's over. They're playing twenty-minute halves, you know; so I guess it will be. I hope Blair will let me on this half. Have you seen Cloud?" "Yes; he's over on the seats. Who has his place?" "Ned Post; and Clausen's playing at right.

The pews had apparently suspected as much, and had held haughtily aloof from the purses. That may have been another reason for their going. The old town ever had its own ways. They were mostly good ways, though sometimes odd. Who but a Ribe citizen would have thought of Knud Clausen's way of doing my wife honor on the Sunday morning when, as a young girl, she went to church to be confirmed?

In every room that night the incident was discussed from A to Z: Clausen's foolhardiness, March's grit and courage, West's coolness, Cloud's cowardice.

Clausen's picture may at first sight seem to be a literary criticism, it is in truth a strictly technical criticism. For Mr.