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Updated: August 16, 2024

Yet who in the world cares how perfect the nature may be, how humble, how sweet, how gracious, that dwells in a chinless body?

They were red-brown in color, completely hairless; they had long necks, almost chinless lower jaws, and fleshy, beaklike noses that gave them an avian appearance which was heightened by red crests, like roosters' combs, on the tops of their heads. "Well, aren't they something to see?" Lillian Ransby, the linguist asked. "I wonder how we look to them," Paul Meillard said.

Then the Terror, drawing a handful of sovereigns out of his pocket and gazing at them lovingly, seemed unable to make up his mind whether to buy two bicycles or one; and the bearded but chinless young man perspired with his eloquent efforts to demonstrate the advantage of buying two.

But one could stare endlessly at the long, chinless face, the dull, watery eyes, and high cheek-bones, without finding suggestion of either ancestral worth or native resourcefulness. His companion was swart and bandy-legged, with rat-eyes and a much-broken hooked nose.

Gleaming shoes of perfect patent leather covered his feet. His light hair was brushed back into a smooth sleekness on which the electric lights shone like stars on some beautiful pool. His practically chinless face beamed amiably over a spotless collar. Henry wore blue serge. 'What are you doing here, Henry, old top? said the vision. 'I didn't know you ever came among the bright lights.

His crew yelled as it rose: the Britons, instead of quailing, cheered with fierce derision; the pirate's wild crew of yellow Malays, black chinless Papuans, and bronzed Portuguese, served their side guns, twelve-pounders, well, and with ferocious cries.

A girl has a natural and inborn right to be proud of her sweetheart in any earthly circumstances whatsoever, if he were the merest snub-nosed, freckled, and chinless Jones that ever skipped over a counter.

Then, close to him, a girl spoke of the "purple perfume of petunias," and a man used the phrases, "body politic," and "the gaiety of nations." So he knew he was among the elect, redundant, and truly precious. A chinless young man turned to him and said: "There is nobody to-day who writes as Bernard Haw writes." "Does anybody want to?" asked Hamil pleasantly.

Brigid!" gasped Larry. From the rift in the tunnel's continuation, nigh a mile beyond the cleft through which we had fled, lifted a crown of horns of tentacles erect, alert, of mottled gold and crimson; lifted higher and from a monstrous scarlet head beneath them blazed two enormous, obloid eyes, their depths wells of purplish phosphorescence; higher still noseless, earless, chinless; a livid, worm mouth from which a slender scarlet tongue leaped like playing flames!

Right up to the last, when her boxes were packed, she was 'playing' the chinless curate. Both the curates are chinless, but hers had the dampest hands. I came on them in the Park. They were speaking of the Pentateuch." "My dear boy! If possible, she has got worse and worse. It was your idea of Italian travel that saved us!" Philip brightened at the little compliment.

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