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Updated: August 9, 2024

For felonious and burglarious offences, a white man is confined in the common jail; then dragged to the market-place, stripped, and whipped, that the negroes may laugh "and go see buckra catch it;" while a negro is sent to the workhouse, confined in his cell for a length of time, and then whipped according to modern science, but nobody sees it except by special permission.

At the same moment a huge negro suddenly appeared from the shadow of the gatepost, and so placed himself between Jonathan and the gate that any attempt to escape would inevitably have entailed a conflict, upon our hero's part, with the sable and giant guardian. Says the negress, looking very intently at our hero: "Be you afeard, Buckra?"

There they prepared cartridges and pikes, and had primitive banquets, which assumed a melodramatic character under the inspiriting guidance of Jack. If a fowl was privately roasted, that mystic individual muttered incantations over it; and then they all grasped at it, exclaiming, "Thus we pull Buckra to pieces!"

Chloe, like all her kind, was brimful of curiosity, and in rolling about the whites of her eyes to get a peep at the buckra stranger who had saved her mistress' life, she came near breaking cups, plates, and dishes; for which negligence Scipio would have boxed her ears, but for my intercession.

"Man ob war buckra an' 'Badian gen'leman, Dey hab a shindy, dey hab a shindy, Dey hab a shindy! "'Badian gen'leman, he mash um mout'; Man ob war buckra, um bash um snout; Golly, yah, yah, Um bash um snout!"

"Dunno whether he been a buckra or not," responded, doggedly, my Cerberus in uniform; "but I's bound to keep him here till de corporal ob de guard come." Yet, when that dignitary arrived, and I revealed myself, poor Number Two appeared utterly transfixed with terror, and seemed to look for nothing less than immediate execution.

Poor Thekla coloured, and mumbled a shy, "Thank you, my my " having had a lecture from Vera on treating a marquis with over familiarity and it was left to Primrose to ask where Friday learnt nigger language. "By nature, Missy buckra," he responded; "all same nigger everywhere."

The latter knowing this, will endeavor to find their station and approach by it, taking with them either an old pass or a forged one, which the guard-man makes a wonderful piece of importance about examining and countersigning, though he can neither read nor write. Thus Sambo passes on to get his molasses, laughing in his sleeve to think how he "fool ignorant buckra."

At the same moment a huge negro suddenly appeared from the shadow of the gatepost, and so placed himself between Jonathan and the gate that any attempt to escape would inevitably have entailed a conflict, upon our hero's part, with the sable and giant guardian. Says the negress, looking very intently at our hero, "Be you afeared, Buckra?"

"But ill for him who, bettering not with time, Corrupts the strength of Heaven-descended will, And ever weaker grows through acted crime, Or seeming genial venial fault." TENNYSON. "Man Friday hope piccaniny live well bring her buckra fish from sea!"

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