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What excuse, then, have philosophers, of all people, for doing this in preference to the simple expedient of supposing that, although the parturient bee, queen or other, cannot intend that any of her progeny should be more bounteously endowed than herself, there is an independent intelligence that does so intend?

BELTANE. "That same lord that showed mercy on yonder poor maimed wretch? Know you him?" FRIAR. "In very sooth, and 'tis a potent lord that holdeth me in some esteem, a most Christian knight " BELTANE. "That ravisheth the defenceless! Whose hands be foul with the blood of innocence " FRIAR. "How how? 'Tis a godly lord who giveth bounteously to Holy Church " BELTANE. "Who stealeth from the poor "

By all means, make him President, gentlemen. He will feed you bounteously if if there is anything left after he shall have helped himself." "I have introduced General Cass' accounts here chiefly to show the wonderful physical capacities of the man.

Nature has indeed given us a soil which yields bounteously to the hands of industry, the mighty and fruitful ocean is before us, and the skies over our heads shed health and vigor.

Why could he not have discovered Leander's whereabouts earlier, and by now be jogging along the road home with the boy by his side? Why had he not bethought himself of the mill in the first instance that focus of gossip where all the news of the countryside is mysteriously garnered and thence dispensed bounteously to all comers?

The Marquise was suffering from this anguish, which will for long remain unknown, because the whole world condemns it, while sentiment cherishes it, and the conscience of a true woman justifies her in it. It is with such pain as with children steadily disowned of life, and therefore bound more closely to the mother's heart than other children more bounteously endowed.

The little birds will soon spy the tempting morsels, and alighting on the trap are misled, and the slightest peck or pressure on the platform where the bait is most bounteously spread brings down the wire and net with a snap, and the little creature is secured without harm. Our next illustration shows another method of constructing the platform.

The letter was not very long; it began with expressions of warm gratitude to Mrs. Morley, not for her invitation only, but for the interest she had conceived in his happiness. It went on thus "I join with my whole heart in all that you say, with such eloquent justice, of the mental and personal gifts so bounteously lavished by nature on the young lady whom you name.

WHO has not observed in passing through the crowded streets of our city, how great, comparatively, is the number of those, who are more or less deformed? My heart aches for these poor unfortunates, who are deprived of some of the legitimate avenues of enjoyment which God has so bounteously vouchsafed to me. There is another who has lost a limb, and makes his way along with the utmost difficulty.

They explored the country about; and what the shortness of their legs denied them in the matter of actual distance, the largeness of their children's imaginations lavished bounteously.