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While the drinking of wine was made difficult to the Frenchmen, all the more bounteously was the water of pure life poured out to them. Although in the law on the duty on wine the bourgeoisie declares the old hated French tariff system to be inviolable, it sought, by means of the laws on education, to secure the old good will of the masses that made the former bearable.

Place the stacks a thousand miles apart, he would stand stock still midway between them, and eat them both at once; and the green grass along the line would be apt to suffer some at the same time. By all means make him President, gentlemen. He will feed you bounteously, if if there is any left after he has helped himself." Great events were by this time beginning to loom on the political horizon.

What wonder, when literature was so bounteously distributed over his native land that it made itself vocal beneath every hedge, enriched the humblest cottage with a library, found its way, in the inexpensive guise of magazines, a welcome visitant at every fireside, poured out its treasures at the feet of rich and poor, liberally as the liberal sunshine, freely as the free air?

Thou openest thy plenteous hand, And bounteously dost fill All things whatever, that do live, With gifts of thy good will. My thankful mouth shall gladly speak The praises of the Lord: All flesh, to praise his holy name, For ever shall accord.

It was delightful to look at her at such times; every part of her partook of the merriment, so that her hands, feet, and waist, might all be said to laugh for themselves. Cornelia could express a great deal more in a bodily than in a spiritual way. Her material self, indeed, seemed so completely and bounteously endowed as to leave little place or occasion for a soul.

Jem nodded his head as he sat in the bottom of the canoe in the broad moonlight, and Don watched the soft silver sea, the black velvet-looking shore, and the brilliant stars; and then, just as in his faintness, hunger, and misery, he had determined in his own mind that he would be obliged to sit there and suffer the long night through, and began wondering how long it would be before morning, he became aware of the fact that Nature is bounteously good to those who suffer, for he saw that Jem kept on nodding his head, as if in acquiescence with that which he had said; and then he seemed to subside slowly with his brow against the side.

But the opposite extreme would equally frustrate the intention of nature, in producing bounteously for the various demands of that multiplicity of species which the author of this world has thought proper to produce.