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The Indians had not counted on their prey escaping by sea, and an old chief came suavely aboard offering Gray sea-otter skins if the 'Bostonnais' would go ashore to trade. Gray slapped the old rascal across the face; the Indian was over the side at a plunge, and the marauders were seen no more.

Why do you tell me that is one, Robert Lennox, a youth of the Bostonnais, who stands before me, when my own eyes tell me that it is the Chevalier Raymond Louis de St. Luc, come as befits a soldier of France to say farewell to an old man before he dies." Robert felt an extraordinary thrill of emotion. M. de Chatillard, seeing with the eyes of the past, had taken him for the Chevalier. But why?

We have not offended the Bostonnais as allies; we have only gone down in the world." La Tour stirred uneasily. "I dread that D'Aulnay may profit by this hasty journey I make to northern Acadia, and again attack the fort in my absence." "He hath once found a woman there who could hold it," said Marie, checking a laugh. La Tour moved his palm over her cheek.

"And how do you know that?" exclaimed the Owl. "Well, one Frenchman equals two of the English or the Bostonnais, and that doubles our numbers. You don't see any chance to escape, do you?" "Not at present," laughed Robert. "Not now, nor at any other time. No man ever escapes twice from the French."

Well, they would prove to the proud chevaliers of Quebec how the Bostonnais could bear themselves, and Robert's pulses leaped. They were served by an attentive and quiet waiter, and the three, each in his own way, watched everything that was going on.

He forgot to watch the trail and listen for the sound of footsteps. All his attention was centered upon that horrible and circling chorus of sound. The Bostonnais might come and pass and he would not see them. He went into the forest a little way, trying to persuade himself that they were really persecuted by animals.

Uncommon wrists they were, and Robert knew that an uncommon amount of power was stored in them. Bigot presently observed Robert, and asked him to play, but the lad declined, and he was brave enough to say that he never played. Bigot laughed and shook his head. "Ah, you Puritan Bostonnais!" he said; "you'll never learn how to live." Then he went back to his game.

Robert steadied himself and sipped a little. De Mézy and his satellites, Nemours and Le Moyne, sat down noisily at a table and ordered claret. De Mézy gave the cue. They talked of the Bostonnais, not only of the two Bostonnais who were present, but of the Bostonnais in all the English colonies, applying the word to them whether they came from Massachusetts or New York or Virginia.

The company fought Wyeth's trade and bought him out; but when the turbulent Indians crowded round the 'White Eagle, chief of Fort Vancouver, asking, 'Shall we kill shall we kill the "Bostonnais"? M'Loughlin struck the chief plotter down, drove the others from the fort, and had it noised about among the tribes that if any one struck the white 'Bostonnais, M'Loughlin would strike him.

The drain of the war had starved out the butchers' stalls, but Indians and hunters took their places for the nonce with an abundance of game of all kinds, which had multiplied exceedingly during the years that men had taken to killing Bostonnais and English instead of deer and wild turkeys.